Silvicola screens to full house in Williams Lake

By Monica Lamb-Yorski
The Williams Lake Tribune
April 14, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

WILLIAMS LAKE, BC — A Williams Lake screening of the film Silvicola attracted more than 130 people Wednesday, April 3. Directed by Jean-Phillippe Marquis, the film takes viewers to B.C. forests through the eyes of tree planters, loggers, sapling nursery workers, foresters and wood manufacturers. After seeing the film, there are several images lingering in my mind. …One is watching a tree planter as she maneuvers through a heli-logged site near Port Alberni where she can count on one hand how many times her feet touch the ground in a day. …Another scene is watching ants move along an “ant road” in a thriving lush forest. …I also enjoyed being immersed in a large old growth forest as a Haida man explains how his people harvest bark from trees for various medicinal and cultural purposes. Fourth would be watching a crew make cedar shakes from scraps salvaged from larger logging operations.

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