Skyrocketing prices, pressure to ramp up production

March 30, 2021
Category: Today's Takeaway

Skyrocketing prices, driven in part by AAC constraints, begets pressure to ramp up production (North American and abroad). In related news: West Fraser production updates; Wood Resources on global lumber trade; and something is in the works for 100 Mile House. Meanwhile: an SFI 2021 Conference update; and Two Sides North America’s leadership transition.

In Wood Product news: mass timber headway at BC’s Douglas College, and Australia’s La Trobe University; while Wheat Straw Pulp and concrete alternatives vie for market share. In Forestry news: Nanaimo city council votes to oppose old-growth logging, as Fairy Creek blockaders continue the fight; Procter & Gamble’s FSC commitment is panned by; and Arizona warns of an early start to the fire season.

Finally, the sustainable alternative to LEGO toys—Mokulock building blocks.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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