Softwood lumber prices continue their dizzying reversals; while the strengthening Canadian dollar threatens to squeeze forest industry profits. In other Business news: Conifex’s decision to sell its Fort St. James mill was “extremely difficult” (CEO Ken Sheilds); Liberal’s don’t understand the “real issues” (Mayor Bob Simpson); “more shutdowns are coming” (CEO John Brink) and “we will get through this difficult transition” (CEO Susan Yurkovich).
In Forestry news: Canada’s first faculty of forestry is set to close; Nova Scotia announces shift to biomass heat; David Suzuki says “caribou and industry can coexist”; Patrick Moore says “trees are the answer”; and Bill Moomwa says Massachusetts forestry “isn’t sustainable for the climate”.
Finally, mass timber makes headlines in Montreal, Toronto; Colorado, Washington DC and Wales.
Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor