State: Two Companies In Wilmington Must Add Dust Control Measures

The WilmingtonBiz
June 24, 2024
Category: Health & Safety
Region: United States, US East

Wilmington, North Carolina — The state is requiring Enviva Pellets and Basaga International with facilities near the Port of Wilmington to adopt additional control measures after investigating resident complaints about the impact of dust in their neighborhoods. The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality (DAQ) said the companies must do a better job of controlling fugitive dust.  …Enviva Pellets LLC was notified of the requirements after DAQ identified that facility as the source of two substantiated fugitive dust complaints. The plan must identify the sources of the dust and methods to control it. The agency has to review and approve the plan before it’s implemented. “We are investigating the concerns raised and monitoring the situation daily,” Enviva officials stated in an email Monday afternoon. “We will continue to work in partnership with local officials. Enviva remains committed to the health and safety of our people and local communities.”

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