Stuck behind a logging truck

By Lance Brownfield
Malvern Daily Record
June 14, 2022
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

It seems like we’ve all been there – stuck behind a logging truck on a two-lane highway for miles, passing other log trucks going the other way. Have you ever caught yourself wondering why logging trucks are driving so far and passing one another when there are mills close by? Well, it’s all about the money – who’s paying the most for a load of timber. According to Rosbro Hendrix, a small contractor who’s been logging for 43 years, the amount that a mill is willing to pay for timber can vary based on the specifications of the wood and your relationship with the buyer. Generally, however, logs coming from afar off can often fetch a higher price. Hendrix has been taking many of his logs to Anthony Timberlands, here in Malvern, but it all depends on the kind of wood he’s got and whoever is paying the most.

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