Study finds Kamloops the Canadian city at highest risk during wildfire season

By Johnathan Bradley
The Western Standard
June 3, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada

Kamloops is the Canadian city at the most risk of wildfires over the next few months, receiving a 9.4/10 score, according to a study conducted by home insurance company MyChoice. MyChoice CEO Aren Mirzaian said insurance companies are remaining in high-risk areas in Canada, despite the increasing frequency and severity of wildfires. …MyChoice writer Matthew Roberts said Kamloops had a high Forecast Severity Rating (FSR) and a well-above-average Forecast Severity Anomaly (FSA). After Kamloops was Saskatoon (8.8/10). Regina; Kelowna, BC; and Medicine Hat, AB, tied for third place (8.6). Most Ontario cities remained safe compared to the rest of Canada, with a few northern ones such as Timmins and Kenora falling into the higher-risk category for wildfires. …After Manitoba was Alberta (11.4%). This was followed by Saskatchewan (11%) and British Columbia (10.7%).

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