Succession for your business

By Chris Duncan, National Leader of MNP’s Forestry and Forest Products Services group
MNP in Canadian Forest Industries
January 4, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada

Chris Duncan

A logger never truly retires. Whether they continue running a buncher or advise the next generation about big business decisions, there is rarely a time when a logger can fully step away from the business that they’ve spent their lives building. Not having a succession plan is the equivalent of driving a loaded logging truck down a hill without brakes and blindfolded, you have no way to tell when to apply the brakes or turn the steering wheel. …t’s important to note that business transition planning is a continuum. …Your plan should be constantly evolving based on what is happening in life. …It’s never too early to start the process. Even if you’re young and succession is decades away, taking the time now to consider what you want your future, and the future of your family, to look like will help ensure you’ve done a thorough job and help you attain your goals. 

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