Swimming pool in London is built out of wooden portal frames and Cross Laminated Timber

By Lloyd Alter
December 7, 2017
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: International

Portal frame construction is therefore typically seen in warehouses, barns and other places where large, open spaces are required at low cost and a pitched roof is acceptable.” …When the Portal Frames are made of glue-laminated wood (Glulam) they are anything but utilitarian; they are gorgeous. …Portal frames work because they have very strong, rigid joints that transfer the bending moment from the rafters to the columns, which are often deep at the top and tapered as they get closer to the ground. …Their depth does wonders for the quality of light, as does the white stain on the wood on the columns, rafters and the CLT roof. Wooden portal frames have been used for pools before; they stand up better to the moisture than steel does. 

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