Tasmanian workplace anti-protest laws defeat doesn’t give protesters carte blanche, says legal expert

By Selina Ross
ABC News, Australia
October 19, 2017
Category: Forestry
Region: International

A constitutional law expert has questioned whether forest protesters will see any long-term benefits from the High Court’s decision to declare sections of Tasmania’s workplace protection laws invalid. On Wednesday sections of the 2014 law regarding forestry work areas were found to be at odds with the implied right in the Australian constitution to the freedom of political communication. The 2014 laws sought to give police powers to stop protests before they start, if they are on a business premises or an access area. …Brendan Gogarty from the University of Tasmania said the law was no longer workable and the State Government had been sent back to the drawing board. “A majority of at least four judges found so many parts of the Act to be unconstitutional that really the guts have been taken out of it,” he said.

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