The Bubs’ Ethan Tapper on His New Book About Forestry

By Chris Farnsworth
Seven Days Vermont
December 18, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

Ethan Tapper

It might surprise some to know that when he’s not creating a ruckus onstage, Tapper, 36, spends most of his days barely uttering a sound, hiking and snowshoeing through the forests of Vermont. By day, Tapper is a forester, managing private and public woods across the state. And he’s a good one. In 2021, the Northeast-Midwest State Foresters Alliance named him Forester of the Year… “When I started as a forester, I was so worried other people would find out I was in a punk band,” Tapper said… One song on the Bubs’ latest record, Make a Mess, ties directly to Tapper’s day job. The title track is inspired by his love for forest ecology and how he exalts in, well, making a mess in the woods.

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