U.S. Forest Service Climate Adaptation Specialist Andrew Bower runs an experiment in the future of forestry under an ever-warming climate is in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest in Washington. …Bower’s research subjects are Douglas-fir seedlings grown from seeds that came from the Willamette National Forest and Siuslaw National Forest, both in Oregon and both nearly 200 miles further south and several degrees warmer than their current location. …This is an experiment in a radical new idea called “assisted migration” and a recognition by the Forest Service that climate change is here to stay. …Among the Oregon migrants are seedlings grown from seeds collected locally, both near this site and further downslope at a lower elevation. Bower expects to see clear differences between the locally sourced trees and the migrated trees. …In 2019, the BC Ministry of Forests changed its rules around its “seedlot” selection system—to incorporate climate change and assisted migration.