The Impact of Finnish Labor Strikes on Its Pulp and Paper Industry

ResourceWise Forest Products Blog
March 12, 2024
Category: Finance & Economics
Region: Canada

On March 11, labor unions in Finland initiated a two-week strike that is poised to have a significant impact on the nation’s export and import sectors, particularly in freight and rail transportation. With a considerable portion of industries relying on rail transport for their raw materials, intermediary products, and final goods, the effects of this strike are expected to be swiftly felt. …SAK, the central organization of Finnish trade unions, has also reported possible repercussions for major industrial plants and distribution terminals due to the strikes. Given the escalating situation, the future appears to be a medley of uncertainty and tension. …For example, Stora Enso said the strikes could delay customer deliveries due to the impact on ports and railway transport. …UPM is currently shutting down operations at four of its mills – Kouvola, Rauma, Jämsänkoski, and the Kaukas pulp mill in Lappeenranta. …Metsä Group’s Metsä Fibre pulp mill in Joutseno, Lappeenranta, will be forced to cease operations.

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