The U.S. is banning old-growth logging. Why can’t we?

By Evert Lindquist
The National Observer
December 22, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, United States

After the US pledged to ban old-growth logging, Canadian advocates are hopeful for the future of their own ancient, carbon-storing forests. …Climate advocates are lobbying all levels of government to protect Canada’s old-growth. In May, Liberal MP Patrick Weiler introduced a private member’s motion to end old-growth destruction on all non-Indigenous federal land.. …But Ken Wu of the Endangered Ecosystems Alliance, says…“The province needs to create the enabling conditions for First Nations to protect old-growth.” …Bands may be “predisposed” to harvest old-growth on their land because they lack the money to go beyond the forest sector. …“Moving forward, strengthened Indigenous and local leadership on land use planning will help ensure goals for forest health, wildfire resilience and biodiversity are met,” said Linda Coady, president COFI. …Logging proponents also often insist vast quantities of “decadent old wood” in these forests pose serious fire risks, including John Pineau of the Ontario Woodlot Association.

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