The US Dept. of Commerce’s final determination on Canadian newsprint tariffs—proceeding but at a reduced rate—generated a plethora of responses, most negative.
Here are the notables:
- A small reprieve but still a blow to the newspaper industry (NY Times)
- It’s just going to kill that business faster than it is right now (Minister Freeland)
- Newsprint tariffs send costs soaring for US newspapers (Financial Times)
- North Carolina Paper blames newsprint tariffs for dropping Sunday comics (Associated Press)
- Commerce confirms Canadian producers benefit from government subsidies (NORPAC)
- Kruger is in a more competitive position (Newfoundland) while Catalyst is hardest hit (BC)
In other news: RISI acquires Random Lengths; market pulp reaches record prices in 2018; Northern Energy reveals their pellet plant plans; and Western Forest Products, Interfor and Rayonier’s positive Q2 results are in.
Finally, the first ever UK-made CLT is making its building-debut and Fortress Paper is adding value to its pulp-making business with sweeteners for chewing gum.
Monday, August 6th is a holiday in British Columbia, as such the next edition of the news will be Tuesday, August 7th. Thank you.
Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor