Concrete will remain the world’s dominant construction material over biomaterials such as timber as the world transitions to net-zero, claims GCCA’s Thomas Guillot. …Concrete is produced by a massively polluting industry. …However, Global Cement and Concrete Association’s CEO argues the focus should be on reducing the carbon footprint of concrete rather than seeking to replace it. …”It’s easy to say get rid of cement, but the reality is that everywhere we look for infrastructure, cement is there.” …”So we need us to bring net-zero concrete to the world,” he continued. …”Put a price on carbon and let the market compete, and then we’ll see what is the most effective material,” he said. …”I am definitely not the one that will start to bitch on wood or things like this. …Instead, he claims, the GCCA is seeking a “fair comparison” between the merits of concrete and timber.