We think we’ve solved our news challenge. Seems our readership and our massive archive of stories overwhelmed our server. Fingers crossed!
In breaking news: the World Trade Organization says US duties on Canadian softwood lumber breached global trading rules. In related news: lumber prices reach all-time high, Canadian wood stocks soar; and the average US home costs $16,000 more. Elsewhere: a fire at IP’s Grande Prairie mill; grants for Indiana wood businesses; and more kudos for Ontario’s new forest strategy.
In Forestry/Climate news: the challenge of logging BC’s spruce beetle killed timber; Port McNeil’s mayor on the impact of an old-growth logging ban; preserving trees to offset carbon emissions; what is it about California and wildfires; and why wildfire smoke is so bad for your lungs.
Finally, separating science from quackery is an important step towards environmental progress.
Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor