Timber Towns Victoria calls for certainty for the future of forestry in Victoria

Timber Towns Victoria
September 1, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: International

Timber Towns Victoria (TTV) and its member councils have released a Position Paper on the cessation of native forest harvesting in Victoria. The TTV members who consist of councils right across Victoria where forest industries are recognised as significant contributors to the economy and community; have closely considered the implications of the cessation of harvesting of native forests in Victoria from the end of 2023. The paper considers challenges and unintended consequences as a result of the decision, whilst also considering solutions for the future, focusing on immediate needs, transitional needs, and long-term support for the industry and the communities affected. The paper’s summary states ‘Our position is that continued native forest harvesting is regenerative, viable and the lifeblood of many of our communities. We regret the closure decision.’ …TTV President, Cr Karen Stephens calls on the Victorian State Government to provide certainty to the forestry sector for the future of the industry.

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