There’s more fallout from last week’s tariff decision by the US Dept. of Commerce. Headlines include: Trump’s trade war is hurting BC pulp mills and US newspapers; US newspapers see tariffs pushing them off a cliff; and Unifor says BC’s pledge to protect pensions won’t be enough. In other tariff news: Resolute’s CEO isn’t optimistic on softwood lumber; and China’s response on hardwood will affect everything from oak wood to veneered panels.
In Forestry / Fire news: one expert says private insurance companies could bare some of Canada’s high fire suppression cost; Ontario fires may have a long-term environmental impact; California’s timber industry can help reduce fire risk by thinning; and fire more than logging is causing forest degradation in the Amazon.
Finally—a heads-up, the Frogs need to recharge their pads and unless there’s breaking news, the Tree Frog News will publish on Monday only next week. Until tomorrow.
–Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor