The U.S. Department of Commerce plans to decrease tariffs for most Canadian softwood producers. The Commerce Department said on Monday that based on its preliminary assessment, the combined countervailing and anti-dumping tariffs will be 11.64 per cent for most Canadian producers, compared with 17.91 per cent currently… which are intended to take effect in the fall of 2022. West Fraser’s duty rate is slated to increase to 13.09 per cent from the current 11.14 per cent. …Only nine weeks ago, the Commerce Department doubled tariffs on most Canadian producers, and those duty rates are likely to remain in effect until September. …The federal government is challenging U.S. lumber tariffs in a process under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement.. …Duties for Canfor Corp. would tumble to 6.75 per cent from the current 19.54 per cent. …Resolute would have a preliminary new rate of 20.24 per cent, compared with 29.66 per cent today. …J.D. Irving Ltd.’s preliminary rate at 7.09 per cent, compared with the current 15.05 per cent. [a Globe & Mail subscription may be required to access the full story]