US Builder Sentiment Rises on Falling Interest Rates

The Tree Frog Forestry News
December 18, 2023
Category: Today's Takeaway

Falling mortgage rates helped end a four-month decline in US builder confidence. In other Business news: Canada considers establishing a national emergency response agency; Ontario fines Resolute Forest Products for worker’s death in Ignace, Ontario; the Softwood Lumber Board seeks new board candidates; and BC forest industry pioneer Lawrence Carpentier dies at 84. 

In other news: Canada’s wood pellet industry focuses on safety; Vancouver’s Stanley Park tree removal is turning heads; Oregon is considering its Forest Plan’s impact on county revenues; California Redwoods revive after wildfire destruction; the status of COP15’s biodiversity promise one-year-on; if a tree burns in Canada’s forest—does anyone count the carbon; and the two sides of the US old-trees-and-carbon debate.

Finally, tree shopping? Look out for freeloaders like opossums, praying mantises & owls.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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