US lumber preliminary ruling lowers Canadian duties

February 5, 2020
Category: Today's Takeaway

A preliminary ruling by the US Commerce Dept significantly lowers Canadian softwood lumber duties. Responses include: Canadian stocks rise (CIBC); not a magic bullet (COFI); and evidence of enforcing trade laws (US Lumber Coalition). In other Business news: mediators walk away from Western/Steelworker’s strike; and the Trans Mountain court decision adds clarity to First Nations consultation rights.  

In other news: ENGOs are critical of Ontario’s plan to double the cut; Quebec says it plans to get serious about the environment; Oregon looks to invest big on wildfire reduction and recovery; and five truths to using US forests to tackle climate change.

Finally, PaperWeek Canada kicks off in Montreal and BC’s professional foresters gather in Nanaimo.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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