Veteran campaigner in Australia Institute advert against logging in mooted Great Koala National Park

By Declan Bowring
ABC News Australia
April 10, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: International

Loggers are “ripping to pieces” forests earmarked to become the Great Koala National Park, according to businessman and former head of the Australian Conservation Foundation Geoff Cousins. Mr Cousins is calling on the state government to stop allowing logging in native forests as part of a fresh push to establish the boundaries of a koala conservation area on the Mid North Coast, which was a state Labor election promise. The Australia Institute has taken out full page adverts in newspapers featuring the signatures of dozens of luminaries, including Mr Cousins, former Reserve Bank head Bernie Fraser and former Liberal leader John Hewson. The adverts push for the end of all logging in public native forests and koala habitat. The state government has committed $80 million over four years to establishing the national park, which includes stakeholder consultation with local industry and communities.

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