Village of Lytton seeing more building permits issued after years of delays

By Josh Dawson
Victoria Times Colonist
March 19, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

After years of delays, more building permits continue to be issued as the Village of Lytton continues to rebuild after a fast-moving wildfire destroyed most of the community. Lytton Mayor, Denise O’Connor, said five residential building permits have now been issued and over a dozen more permits are “in the queue,” including her own. “My feeling is that the people right now that are rebuilding are those that had insurance,” O’Connor said. “It’s the businesses that had insurance that are rebuilding as well, the grocery store, the Chinese Museum, the Legion, I understand should be getting their building permits anytime and the rest are residential at this point.” O’Connor acknowledged some residents won’t be choosing to rebuild and have opted to sell their properties… She said building permit fees are based on construction costs, which are currently “really high” across the province.

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