Wahkohtowin Development balances economy and sustainability

By Nicole Stoffman
Timmins Daily Press
January 22, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Isabelle Allen and David Flood

Wahkohtowin Development is welcoming 170 people representing over 25 First Nations from northern and southern Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Quebec for their second annual “Indigenous Lands Symposium,” this week at the Ramada Inn in Timmins. …Wahkohtowin Development is a social enterprise in Chapleau that supports the Chapleau Cree, Missanabie Cree and Brunswick House First Nations to practice sustainable forestry. They support these nations of the Northeast Superior region of Ontario to build their own lands and resources departments so they can self-determine and lead their interests in their traditional territories in the forestry sector. …Wahkohtowin Development is supporting the forestry industry to conserve 30 per cent of Canada’s land and water by 2030, a goal Canada signed onto at the 15th annual Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) in 2022.

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