QUESNEL, BC — The 2.5-million litres of liquid substance that spilled at WestPine MFD factory in Quesnel was being piped between that operation and a nearby pulp mill. According to the factory’s owner, West Fraser Timber, it was the company’s own system that made the discovery. “On Monday, April 15, West Fraser’s internal monitoring system detected a leak of process water, comprised of water softener backwash, on a line running from the WestPine Medium-Density Fibreboard plant to Quesnel River Pulp, where it is processed,” said West Fraser spokesperson Joyce Wagenaar. “West Fraser reported the spill immediately to our regulator and undertook a cleanup effort which is now complete.” …The B.C. Ministry of environment said no waterways are suspected to be impacted at this time.” A ministry assessment of the liquid and its effects were still being assessed as of publication time.