West Fraser to permanently close sawmill in Fraser Lake, BC

The Tree Frog Forestry News
January 23, 2024
Category: Today's Takeaway

Citing fibre shortages, West Fraser announced it will close its sawmill in Fraser Lake, BC. In related news: Richmond Plywood secures funds to upgrade its equipment; Lumber Plus expands distribution in New York; and Freres Lumber sues the US Forest Service for wildfire inaction. On the US Market front, more downs-than-ups for remodelling, pulp and paper and the economy in general; and what’s up with Southern Pine exports.

In Forestry/Climate news: NRCan’s Werner Kurz on wildfires’ GHG impact; Alberta looks to fight wildfires with night-vision equipped helicopters, the recent cold spell helps manage the pine beetle; ENGOs are optimistic about BC’s biodiversity plan; Colorado passes a wildfire awareness bill; and a new paper on how forest carbon markets impact forest health and communities.

Finally, FSC Canada bids farewell to two; posts job for Director of Policy & Standards.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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