Weyerhaeuser Partners With Fay Jones School for Research Fellows Program

University of Arkansas
May 8, 2024
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: United States, US East

Weyerhaeuser has partnered with the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design at the University of Arkansas for a new research fellows program that supports the development of innovative wood products and sustainable wood-based construction. The newly formed Weyerhaeuser Research Fellows Program includes two simultaneous applied research and design projects — one focused on prototyping a 3D-printed, wood-composite house, the other on engineering mass timber to support three common housing typologies important to rural communities. The two-year program expands on previous partnerships between Weyerhaeuser and the Fay Jones School and will run through 2025. It directly supports Weyerhaeuser’ 3 by 30 Sustainability Ambitions and work advancing a future where everyone has access to a quality, affordable and sustainable home. …“The support propels efforts with two emerging building material technologies, poised to address an unmet housing need in rural communities, while providing effective labor force development opportunities,” said John Folan, the professor who will lead the project.

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