What they are saying about Biden’s commitment to protect old growth forests on US National Forest System Lands

The White House
December 22, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: United States

The US Administration took new steps to implement President Biden’s Executive Order to conserve and restore America’s mature and old growth forests. …Leaders from across the country praised the announcement. Here is what they are saying:

  • Ben Jealous, Sierra Club: “This is a groundbreaking step. It’s a bold vision.”
  • Jad Daly, American Forests: “Combined with the historic REPLANT Act made law, America’s forests are entering a new era where forest health is prioritized and better adapted to climate threats.”
  • Jamie Williams, “The Wilderness Society: We are encouraged by the administration’s efforts to take a science-based approach to safeguard our nation’s forests.”
  • Andrew Wetzler, Natural Resources Defense Council: “This is a key step to combat the climate crisis and preserve our national natural heritage.”
  • Marcia Argust, The Pew Charitable Trusts: “Work remains to support the development of mature forests into old-growth forests—replacing old forests lost to disturbance events.”

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