What’s next for B.C. forestry?

By Evan Saugstad
Alaska Highway News
May 11, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Last in a six-part series. Is this the end of forestry as we know it, or is this a chance for a new beginning? Why can’t we go back to what once worked, that something called Land and Resource Management Plans?  With a few tweaks, such as sitting the local First Nations as equals at the head of the table with government, we can do the same process over, make them listen to what everyone else has to say, including those indigenous peoples not presented by the current Treaty 8 bands and, from that, develop a local plan that fully addresses local needs. If it comes back to what’s proposed today, great — it then will have considered all needs with buy-in from all. But if it’s something different, also great, as that will also have the much-coveted buy-in. Yes, it’s called work and, yes, it would take some time; but better to take the time to get it right than hurry through and suffer the consequences.

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