Wildfires in California have killed 10 people and more than 100 are missing in a late-season surge of devastation. The record fire season has triggered discussions in BC on how to change the composition of forests, while the US focus is on ways to improve forest health by cutting more trees. Other headlines include:
- After devastating wildfires, BC Interior residents thankful for community strength
- Fuels management can be a big help in dealing with wildfires (Oregon)
- Wildfire safety starts at home (Illinois)
- Big boost in federal firefighting budget proposed by western congressmen
Failing provincial action on caribou herds, the federal government is warning of tougher rules in the boreal, the David Suzuki foundation called the failure to meet the caribou deadline a “black eye” for Canada, while a new study in Scientific Reports says DNA barcoding technology can help keep tabs on “all the organisms at once”.
Citing the advantages of “clean growth”, Canadian Federal Minister Jim Carr announced a program to facilitate building code changes that will allow tall wood buildings up to 12 storeys. Pushing the envelope further, an 80-storey wooden skyscraper is proposed for Chicago.
In Business news, trade tensions are expected to come up in a Trudeau-Trump meeting this week, Ottawa tells the US Trade Commission that Canadian lumber helps the US and a judge strikes down the deception lawsuit against Menards over claims it deceived its customers with nominal rather than actual lumber dimensions.
Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor