Why Western Red Cedar is a builder’s choice

By Western Red Cedar Lumber Association
September 18, 2023
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada West

…At the Western Red Cedar Lumber Association our mandate to enhance demand for WRC and drive sales and value means we follow market trends and behavior to capitalize on opportunities that increase usage and grow market share. Architects and designers have been two highly influential groups that the association has targeted in the past; this year we’ve expanded that audience to include custom home and multi-unit dwelling builders and contractors. Ducker Attitudinal Research found that a large majority of builders in this category (roughly 90%) are familiar or very familiar with WRC, and most (about 80%) are interested in knowing more about the attributes and benefits of using WRC. While awareness of Western Red Cedar and an interest in learning more about it are helpful, it’s the attributes that influence product consideration that are more likely to lead to a builder specifying WRC and ultimately result in a sale.

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