Winter drought conditions is being called a harbinger of potentially dire 2024 wildfire season. In related news: BC resource industries look for slivers of hope in 2024; economists see turning point in housing markets; and ResourceWise forecasts a surge in bio-economy production. Meanwhile: North Cowichan’s mayor seeks support for Catalyst Crofton mill; Enviva Biomass takes heat for sawdust pollution; Stratton Lumber is fined for employee injury; and Metsä is closing a sawmill in Finland.
In Forestry/Climate news: Canada’s Nature Agreement underscores the need for reconciliation; the US old-growth plan may affect national forest permitting; a prescribed burn saves lives on this BC First Nation; cold weather sends Alberta’s pine beetles into decline; Poland orders halt to logging in old forests; and mixed forests protect from tsunami impacts best.
Finally, forest carbon offsets are making news in BC, Prince Edward Island and Maine.
Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor