Wood pellet giant Enviva says its future is in jeopardy

The Tree Frog Forestry News
November 10, 2023
Category: Today's Takeaway

Enviva, America’s biggest wood pellet exporter, says its future is in jeopardy. In related news: US infrastructure spending is driving a ‘pole-boom’; downbeat forecasts are reported at UK timber conference; and Billerud reported positive Q3 earnings. In other Business news: Andrew Coyne opines on Canada’s carbon taxes and GHG reductions; and Cam Brown speaks to what British Columbia can learn from forest management in Finland.

In Forestry/Climate news: a new report says FSC certified forests in Canada and the US store more carbon; concerns rise over Canada’s carbon emissions, as Canada’s wildfire season reverberates around the world; four US agencies sign an MOU on wildfire risk and smoke management; US grassland fires are more destructive than forest fires; and California’s seed banks and nurseries need attention – ‘desperately‘. 

Finally, the Sierra Club’s boss is at war with his staff. He blames them.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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