Wood Products Manufacturers Associaiton elects 2024 board, hosts annual meeting

By Karen Koenig
The Woodworking Network
November 20, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: United States

WESTMINSTER, Massachusetts – The election of a new board was among the highlights of the recent Wood Products Manufacturers Association annual meeting. Representatives from more than 35 companies attended the two-day event, held in Nashville. The announced its 2024 officers: Scott Ferland, Maine Woods WPMA president; George Melnyk Jr., Premier Millwork & Lumber VP, Terry Gross, Brown Wood, treasurer,; and John Lentine, Boyce Highlands, assistant treasurer. Michelle Arsenault is the executive director and Immediate past president is Sandra Ann Bean of JM Champeau. …The association also recognized Peter Puttmann of Atlas Dowel & Wood Products on his retirement. …WPMA is headquartered in Massachusetts and has members throughout the US and Canada.

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