A new kind of wood is taking root among forward-thinking designers and builders. It’s a called cross laminated timber, CLT for short. The blog, Tree Hugger calls it a ‘dream material’ and Architect Magazine says it’s a trend to watch. A project now underway in Radford, will showcase not only the building material, but also and the new vista it opens in the forest. Everyone from bird watchers to train buffs, able-bodied and disabled, can get up there near the tree line to see the sights. …Kay Edge and her grad students in the school of architecture at Virginia Tech … began working on this viewing platform project, now nearing completion. …The CLTs are made from yellow poplar, also known as the Tulip Poplar … in their raw form, there’s no industry demand for them. But with the CLT process…their strength is competitive with steel, and just half the weight.