Writer captures the legendary stories of the lumberjacks

By Clay Schuldt
The New Ulm Journal
November 9, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

NEW ULM — Author and researcher Chad Lewis visited the New Ulm Public Library to share tall tales and legends about lumberjacks. Lewis has spent the last 30 years traveling the world looking for the strange and unusual. This includes visiting odd roadside attractions or searching for the mythical creature. The two interests collide with lumberjack legends. His presentation covered the history of the lumber industry and the legends that were created from it. …Lewis said the most famous lumberjack legend is Paul Bunyan. Several states claim to be the birthplace of Bunyan, including Minnesota. Lewis said the oral tales of Bunyan began in Tomahawk, Wisconsin in the winter of 1885; however, the first written account came in a Minnesota newspaper, The Duluth News Tribune in August 1904. …As the lumber industry changed, the need for lumber camps went away and the culture is gone with it, Lewis said, and many of the original stories are lost to history. 

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