Christmas tree shortage means few Nobles for Maple Ridge tree farm

By Colleen Flanagan
BC Local News
December 7, 2017
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

There’s an industry-wide shortage of Christmas trees this year. Not if you are in the market for a 5-foot Fraser fir. But there are very few large trees or Noble firs, considered the best of the best in the Christmas tree business. “There are simply less and less growers in the market right now. There’s fewer family tree farms that are wanting to carry on because frankly it’s not a huge money maker in most cases,” said Wes Robinson, co-owner of the Alouette Tree Farm in Maple Ridge. …The turn-around for a Noble fir takes 8-10 years in comparison to the three to six years it takes for the turnaround of a Douglas fir or a grand fir, most common in the province. …In British Columbia, though, there are more trees imported from the United States than is grown domestically. …The fact is that growers that supply Western Canada are growing fewer trees.

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