Canada will seek relief from softwood tariffs at a public hearing on Tuesday by challenging a U.S. ruling that American producers are being injured by Canadian lumber shipments. …In December, 2017, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) ruled in its final determination that Canada’s shipments of softwood lumber south of the border are injuring the U.S. forestry sector. Canada is counting on the binational panel to overturn the Washington-based ITC’s determination. …The Canadian government argues that when lumber prices were strong in 2014, U.S. producers thrived, even with softwood from Canada flowing across the border. …Under Chapter 19, each country appoints two panelists while the fifth member is chosen “by lot” – choosing by chance in the equivalent of a coin toss. Last November, five panelists were selected to review the long-running softwood dispute. …The NAFTA panel’s composition appears to favour Canada. [A subscription to the Globe and Mail is required to access this full story]