Happy US Thanksgiving!
Port McNeill’s Mayor begs WFP and the Steelworkers to get back to the table for the communities’ sake. In related news: Kelowna MP Dan Albas calls for federal leadership; and Port Hardy Save On Foods adds striking loggers to their list of Christmas charities.
In other news: a new study says caribou habitat restoration may be ineffective; changes to Canada’s building code to help an ailing forest industry; a truly amazing wood structure in Norway; and researchers look into touch-sensitive wood in car dashboards. Lot’s more news here of course but first—Happy Thanksgiving to our US readers and a safe Black Friday to all!
With respect to the latter—although Black Friday was coined in the 1960s to describe traffic jams in Philadelphia the day has a more fateful connotation in Australia. This due to their Black Friday fires in 1939, where on January 13th [a Friday no less], a total of 69 sawmills were burned and 71 lives lost.
Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor