Laid-off forest workers gathered at the BC legislature seeking provincial relief, while local MP seeks emergency debate by federal parliament. In other Business news: Fort Frances holds faint hope for use of old Resolute mill, Canfor corrects misleading info on proposed privatization vote; Cascades adds to its interest in Greenpac; Oregon is relieved over NAFTA 2 deal; and Hampton’s CEO Steve Zika calls lawsuit verdict a reality check for Oregonians.
In other news: Quebec is criticized for caribou/wolf kill plan; the Urban Land Institute, MIT researchers tout wood’s CO2 benefits over steel and cement; a 12-storey wood tower is coming to Kelowna; and Dr. Daniel Unger (Austin State U) receives coveted SAF forestry education award.
Finally, new hope for California’s endangered yellow-legged frog.
Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor