BC, Nova Scotia contractor loan program details announced

February 3, 2020
Category: Today's Takeaway

BC and Nova Scotia announced details of their respective loan programs for forestry contractors. In related news: perspectives on the BC crisis from Premier Horgan, industry spokesperson Susan Yukovich, Liberal MLA Doug Clovechok, and the BC Chamber of Commerce. Meanwhile, as Northern Pulp is put into hibernation, local First Nations, and impacted logging and forestry workers hope for a better the future.

In other news: Alberta firefighters raise concern about tall wood; as another BC community seeks early adoption of the practice. Meanwhile, carbon credits from BC’s Great Bear Rainforest sit idle; Oregon legislators face opposition on cap-and-trade; and a Republican bill will commit the US to planting billions of trees.

Finally, a tree planting alarm clock that plants real trees.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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