Teal Jones pays it forward, supports Lytton rebuild

July 13, 2021
Category: Today's Takeaway

Citing past fire assistance received, Teal Jones donates 500,000 BF of lumber to Lytton rebuild. In related news: Canada limits train speed in wildfire risk areas; fire’s widespread implication for Canadians’ health; homes are threatened in 10 Western states; and fire updates for northwest Ontario, Vancouver Island, and southern Oregon

In Product news: the plastics industry rejects “toxicity moniker” by Trudeau; the material of the future is destined to be bio-derived and biobased; and lumber’s freefall wipes out 2021 price gains. Meanwhile, Canada releases new GHG targets, Nelson, BC scraps plan to heat with wood waste; and the conflicting science of forest biomass

Finally, more on the new US Forest Service chief, Randy Moore.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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