Winter driving can be dangerous for logging truck drivers, no matter how much experience they have. The risk of being in a crash increases in poor weather and road conditions. Snowy or icy logging roads, steep grades, and new or unfamiliar routes are just a few of the potential hazards. That’s why it’s time for employers to start planning now to reduce the risk – before the seasons change. The annual Shift into Winter campaign recommends preparing drivers and work vehicles for what’s ahead. Tire and chain regulations for commercial vehicles take effect October 1 in BC. Keeping your people safe is good business. It’s also your legal responsibility. To help meet your responsibilities, develop or update your winter driving safety policy and procedures. Also review our Winter Driving Safety Tool Kit for Employers. …Shift into Winter’s training resources for employers include our Keeping Your Employees Safe During Winter Driving webinar and Winter Driving Safety for Employers and Supervisors online course.