Preparations are well underway for the GLOBAL WOOD SUMMIT in Vancouver, BC that will be held from October 28-30, 2024. The international conference will feature speakers from five continents with strategic discussions about the global trade of forest products with deep dives into a number of key market and/or supply topics. The event will allow for insightful information exchanges, outlooks, and some great networking.
The conference sessions have been confirmed and more than half of the speakers have been invited or confirmed, mainly our international and out-of-town speakers. The balance of the speakers and panelists will be confirmed over the next few months.
Our dedicated GLOBAL WOOD SUMMIT website will be launched later in May. This will include the full program, confirmed speakers, with registration open. Early Bird prices are set “to 2016 prices” and are available through July at US$995.
Both RUSS TAYLOR GLOBAL and ERA Forest Products welcome you to explore this unique event that will focus on global trade developments in pulp, paper, logs, lumber and panels, with a focus on logs and lumber. It is going to be really timely and interesting!
More details on the conference partners, the event and a brochure with price options are all available at
To be on added to our Early Bird list, please send me an email with the Subject Line: Please add to me your Global Wood Summit Early Bird list.
Sponsorship Opportunities are available.
Russ Taylor, President,
Tel (+1) 604 897-5666
Kevin Mason, Managing Director
Tel (+1) 250 868-2680