What do a 12-storey wooden building, a heat pump installation course, a display of various wall and roof assemblies, and retrofits to dozens of campus buildings have in common? They’re all part of the B.C. Institute of Technology’s (BCIT) Living Labs show-and-tell approach about energy use in buildings. …”What sets B.C. apart from most provinces is our renewable BC Hydro electricity,” says Danica Djurkovic, BCIT’s associate VP of campus planning and facilities. “It allows us to approach building design with a focus on renewable energy.” The most visible sign of BCIT’s ambitions is the work-in-progress 12-storey Tall Timber student residence, which is due to be completed and ready to house 470 students in the fall of 2025. It features innovative construction including mass timber technology – five-ply hemlock cross-laminated timber panels and supporting steel columns – along with passive house concepts that will decrease cooling needs in the summer and heating needs in the winter.