Ucluelet – Toquaht community forest chops cut rate, branches out

By Andrew Bailey
Westerly News
December 3, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Mayco Noel, Erik Holbek & board

The Barkley Community Forest Corporation is chopping its annual cut by more than half and hopes to branch out by planting roots for more recreational opportunities. The community forest was launched in 2014 in partnership between the District of Ucluelet and Toquaht First Nation and has since generated about $3 million in shared profits for the two parties. The Corporation hosted open houses in Ucluelet and Macoah last month to bring both communities up to speed on a new forest management plan that reduces the annual allowable cut from 27,000 cubic metres to 12,600. “That cut was based on the inventory data that was passed on from the previous major licensee and operability and harvesting assumptions that were maybe a little optimistic,” the corporation’s general manager Erik Holbek told the Westerly News during the Ucluelet open house on Oct. 24.

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