Region Archives: Canada East

Business & Politics

Mill closure sends a wave of caution through Northern Ontario

By Clint Fleury
Northern Ontario Business
January 16, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

This isn’t the first time the pulp mill in Terrace Bay shut its doors indefinitely. In the early 2000s, the mill was previously owned by Thunder Bay-based Buchanan Group and was shut down when it went into receivership. The effect of the Jan. 2 shutdown impacted the surrounding communities in many different ways. For the Municipality of Greenstone, in particular, the sawmills in Nakina and Longlac will need to look further than Terrace Bay to ensure their products get out to market. “It impacts everybody — the local businesses, it impacts the trucking companies, it impacts the fuel suppliers, it impacts all the people who drive the equipment in the bush from hauling to harvesting to laying out the blocks to road-building,” said Greenstone Mayor Jamie McPherson.

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GreenFirst Announces Completion of Operational Decentralization and New Paper Mill CEO

By GreenFirst Forest Products
January 16, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

TORONTO — GreenFirst Forest Products announced that it has successfully completed the previously announced decentralization of its lumber mill and paper mill operations. In connection with the decentralization, Terry Skiffington has been engaged as Chief Executive Officer of the paper mill division. Mr. Skiffington is a skilled executive with a broad range of experience in the pulp and paper sector in Canada and globally. …Paul Rivett, Executive Chair of GreenFirst said, “We are excited to welcome Terry as CEO of Kapuskasing paper mill, as he brings a valuable wealth of knowledge and experience with him.” “The completion of the decentralization and the appointment of Terry as CEO of the Kapuskasing paper mill will allow both businesses to focus on improving operational efficiencies going forward,” said Joel Fournier, CEO of GreenFirst.

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A shuttered pulp mill leaves Terrace Bay, Ont., feeling anxious, stressed and uncertain

By Michelle Allan
CBC News
January 11, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

The union hall in Terrace Bay, Ontario, was packed wall to wood-panelled wall with restless steelworkers. People checked out pamphlets about applying for unemployment insurance and looked through lists of job search websites as they came to terms with the shutdown of the AV Terrace Bay pulp mill earlier this month. …It has been a crushing blow that’s left people anxious about the future, reflecting scenes that have played out in mill towns across Canada in recent years. There’s no word on when or if the Terrace Bay mill will reopen, if ever, or what the company plans to do — whether that means reopening it when market conditions improve or selling it to another company. …Kathy Howe said workers were blindsided by the closure, and questioned why they weren’t given more notice from owners and management. …Mill closures have a domino effect — local businesses often suffer too.

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Company scraps plan for biomass fuel plant in Kensington

By Colin MacLean
The Saltwire Network
January 10, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

SUMMERSIDE, P.E.I. — The Town of Kensington is frustrated about losing out on a $150 million project which would have brought a woodchips-to-renewable diesel plant to the community. The proponent, SustainAgro, would have processed 40,000 tonnes of wood chips annually to produce renewable diesel fuel; secondary marketable byproducts would have included biochar, wood vinegar and graphene. The company expected to employ about 30 people initially. But somewhere along the way the project’s provincial environmental approval stalled and SutainAgro has since shifted its focus to Thunder Bay, Ont., as the frontrunner for its facility. Kensington council expressed frustration at being warned off from doing business with SustainAgro by provincial officials for unspecified reasons. To date, the town has been unable to find out what those reasons were. SustainAgro CEO Joey O’Brian…“We have accomplished as much in three days in Northern Ontario as it took us in one year in P.E.I.,” wrote O’Brian.

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Terrace Bay mill closure sends a wave of caution through Northern Ontario

By Clint Fleury
January 10, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

GREENSTONE, Ontario – This isn’t the first time the pulp mill in Terrace Bay shut its doors indefinitely. In the early 2000s, the mill was previously owned by Thunder Bay-based Buchanan Group and was shut down when it went into receivership. The effect of the shutdown impacted the surrounding communities. For the Municipality of Greenstone, the sawmills in Nakina and Longlac will need to look further than Terrace Bay to ensure their products get out to market. “It impacts everybody – the local businesses, it impacts the trucking companies, it impacts the fuel suppliers, it impacts all the people who drive the equipment in the bush from hauling to harvesting to laying out the blocks to road building,” said Greenstone Mayor Jamie McPherson. …McPherson stresses federal programs are available and the municipality will aid those affected by the Terrace Bay Mill closure.

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Unifor Action Centre in Espanola helping former Domtar workers find new employment, cope with job loss

By Erika Chorostil
CBC News
January 8, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Former Domtar employees who are being laid off with the pulp and paper mill’s closure, are receiving help to find new employment. It’s been almost six weeks since the first round of layoffs took place at the mill in Espanola on November 30. In September, Domtar announced it would indefinitely shut down the plant, leading to more than 450 employees losing their jobs. To help workers cope with job losses and find new employment, the Unifor Action Centre was set up and opened its doors in December. …The Ontario government invested $426,000 into the Action Centre. Domtar and Unifor Local 74 are also investing $184,600 into the centre. …Dubreuil said the action centre is planning to hold a number of job workshops in January, in preparation for the second round of Domtar layoffs taking place on January 19. A third round of layoffs is expected in the spring.

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Former forest products company CEO to become CN’s chief commercial officer

By Bill Stephens
January 8, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Remi G. Lalonde

MONTREAL — Canadian National has hired a former forest products company chief executive, Remi G. Lalonde, to lead its marketing and sales efforts. CN, which is the largest hauler of forest products in North America, today named Lalonde as its executive vice president and special advisor to the CEO, a role he’ll hold until he transitions to chief commercial officer later this year. …“The role of CCO is of the utmost importance. The diversity of his experience, including as a railway customer and as a CEO, positions him well to lead the sales and marketing team. He will play an instrumental role in accelerating sustainable, profitable growth,” said CEO Tracy Robinson. As CEO and chief financial officer of Montreal-based Resolute Forest Products, Lalonde executed strategy, managed regulatory matters, engaged with Indigenous communities and stakeholders, headed manufacturing operations, and worked with investors and suppliers. 

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Steelworkers’ Union addresses AV Terrace Bay closure

By Clint Fleury
January 4, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

TERRACE BAY, Ontario – With the surprise announcement of Aditya Birla Group shutting down AV Terrace Bay Pulp Mill indefinitely, District Six of the Steelworkers Union are stating that they will be assisting their members in any way they can. …Cody JG Alexander, Staff Representative for District Six, said: “this announcement puts forward a very unfortunate situation for our members and the entire community. We will remain optimistic that this is a temporary idling of the pulp mill and that our members will be back making good wages, sooner than later.” He acknowledged that the Union will help the nearly 300 represented workers. …“This idling not only impacts all the workers at the mill, but also the forestry workers who provide products, and all the spin-off industries and businesses that benefit from the mill’s continued operations.”

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Hundreds out of work in Terrace Bay, Ontario after pulp mill idles operations

By Michelle Allan
CBC News
January 5, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

The Terrace Bay Pulp Mill in northwestern Ontario is temporarily shutting down, while the mayor and union representing mill workers say they’re trying to stay positive. …The type of pulp produced in Terrace Bay is premium grade, said pulp industry analyst Brian McClay, of Trade Tree Online and Brian McClay & Associates. “It’s really the best pulp fibre in the world,” he said. As mills producing NBSK shut down, manufacturers could face greater difficulty and higher expenses in making these products, and consumers could find themselves paying more for flimsier toilet paper. …Mayor Paul Malashewski said he’s optimistic the mill will reopen. …Currently, pulp prices are low and demand is weak, said McClay. Pulp mills are expensive to operate and maintain, he said. “It’s not just a question of where the market is today; it’s what companies have to spend to keep the mills in decent running order.”

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Terrace Bay mayor to discuss pulp mill’s idling with natural resources minister

By Gary Rinne
January 3, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

TERRACE BAY — Anxiety is building in Terrace Bay and Schreiber in the wake of the announcement of the idling of Aditya Birla’s pulp mill. Some community leaders are already wondering if the Ontario government might be able to intervene, or whether a new operator might be found. The company disclosed Tuesday that pulp production is being halted indefinitely because of prevailing market conditions. It said about 400 employees are affected by the shutdown, which Terrace Bay Mayor Paul Malashewski described Wednesday as “sad news, for sure.” …In 2012, India-based multinational Aditya Birla acquired the bankrupt Terrace Bay Pulp for a reported $300 million after the Ontario government forgave $24 million in outstanding loans. …The mayor of neighbouring Schreiber, Kevin Mullins, said it’s troubling that there is no date for resuming production …Natural Resources and Forestry Minister Graydon Smith [said] the government will do everything it can to get the mill running again.

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AV Terrace Bay Announces Temporary Shutdown of Kraft Pulp Mill

By James Murray
The Net News Ledger
January 3, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

Terrace Bay, ON – Terrace Bay is starting 2024 with some terrible economic and socio-economic news. The community’s largest employer, AV Terrace Bay, a part of the Aditya Birla group, has announced a temporary shutdown of its Terrace Bay pulp mill due to prevailing market conditions. The company made the announcement late on Tuesday, saying the move is effective immediately. The decision will impact 400 employees at the facility. The decision to halt production at the Terrace Bay pulp mill is attributed to the current market conditions. AV Terrace Bay emphasized that this shutdown is temporary in nature. During this period, the mill will be placed in a state of “warm idle,” a measure taken to facilitate a potential future restart. However, the company has not provided a specific timeline for when operations might resume. AV Terrace Bay  spokesperson stated that there will be no additional statements or interviews at this time.

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Nova Scotia Power is required to generate 80% of its power from renewable sources by 2030, but can it?

By Jennifer Henderson
The Halifax Examiner
December 28, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

By law, Nova Scotia Power has to generate 80% of electricity from renewable sources by 2030. Last September, the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (UARB) ordered Nova Scotia Power to file “a detailed and specific plan” outlining how and when that will happen. The filing deadline was December 31, and yesterday the UARB posted Nova Scotia’s Power’s 46-page response entitled ‘The Path to 2030.’ ‘The Path to 2030’ states that a working group that includes Nova Scotia Power personnel and Department of Natural Resources and Renewables staff will coordinate provincial and utility efforts to meet the 80% renewable goal. …Port Hawkesbury Paper Wind, a sister company to Port Hawkesbury Paper, is developing a large 168 MW wind farm to support the operation of the paper mill. It’s expected to begin operating late in 2025. 

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No injuries reported in morning fire at Corner Brook Pulp and Paper mill

By Diane Crocker
The Saltwire Network
December 18, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

CORNER BROOK, N.L. — Corner Brook Pulp and Paper had to be evacuated early on Monday, Dec. 18, after a fire occurred inside the paper mill. A spokesperson for the mill’s parent company, Kruger, said no injuries had been reported and it was too early to know the extent of the damage caused by the fire or if there are any impacts on operations at the mill. The fire is reported to have started before 6:30 a.m. as area residents have said they were awoken by the mill’s whistle around that time. The mill has an internal fire brigade, but the spokesperson confirmed for SaltWire that the Corner Brook Fire Department was called in to assist with the fire which she said was mostly contained by 10 a.m. [END]

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Over 200 Domtar employees have accessed Action Centre

By Tom Sasvari
The Manitoulin Expositor
December 20, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

ESPANOLA, Ontario —Having been in place for about six weeks, the Unifor (Domtar) Action Centre has already been a benefit to laid-off employees of the Domtar Pulp and Paper company, a union representative told The Expositor after the grand opening of the centre last week. “I think we’re still far away from everyone now being employed,” stated Dustin Drouin, Unifor Local 156 president, after a funding announcement was made by the province at the grand opening of the action centre, held December 12. …“We have had 215 employees that have had needs come through the action centre,” said Mr. Drouin. The Ontario government is investing $426,000 in the new action centre to help the 484 pulp and paper workers impacted by the Domtar layoffs in Espanola get back to work quickly. Mr. Drouin added that the action centre will remain open until October 31, 2024.


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Is there a need for strings to be attached with government green technology funding?

By Tony Kryzanowski
The Logging and Sawmill Journal
December 20, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada East

The Origin Materials chemical plant in Ontario began commercial production this past summer, and converts wood residues into the building blocks used to produce plastic materials for containers, textiles, car parts, and fuels. …[the] company is taking its show on the road to Louisiana, after accepting $23 million in federal funding in 2019 to build its first commercial plant in Canada. It’s disappointing that the Canadian forest industry, will seemingly not benefit further from the ramping up of this technology, despite the fact that Canadian tax dollars were used to pay for a significant portion of this commercial demonstration plant. When we asked whether they approached any Canadian forest companies to potentially partner with them on the commercial ramp-up of this technology, and if not, why not, Origin Materials did not respond to this query from Logging and Sawmilling Journal. …Hopefully a pathway can still be found to write a Canadian chapter to that story beyond Sarnia.

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Wood, Paper & Green Building

Plans for a mass-timber building pivot to steel girders and concrete

By David Israelson
The Globe and Mail
January 16, 2024
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

Facing a persistently sluggish market for office buildings, one developer has pivoted his original plan to construct an environmentally leading-edge mass-timber building in Toronto to instead build lab and research space – without the wood. …the Leaside Innovation Centre was going to be a six-storey office condominium using “glulam” instead of steel girders and masses of concrete. The new plan is roughly the same size – 75,000 square feet – but no glulam. Ontario building code rules for wet lab space do not make it possible to use mass timber. Economic as well as practical obstacles compelled the developer, Beeches Development Inc., to back away from the original project, company president Charles Goldsmith says. …“In life sciences you want to have more than 100 pounds per square foot, and this is simply hard to do with mass timber,” said Daniel Lacey, of CBRE’s life sciences team, which is working on the Beeches project says. [A subscription to the Globe and Mail is required to access the full story]

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Montreal man turns reclaimed wood from barns and buildings into custom guitars

By Morgan Lowrie
Canadian Press in the Montreal Gazette
January 14, 2024
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

Nicolas Delisle

In recent years, Nicolas Delisle has made new guitars from old barns, logs pulled from river bottoms and even window frames from his 1930s-era Montreal apartment. The craftsman specializes in turning reclaimed and salvaged wood into one-of-a-kind guitars he hand makes in the city’s Mile End neighbourhood. Using recycled materials is “part of the story of the instrument,” he said in a phone interview. “It’s just a richer history.” Delisle said hundred-year-old wood is often better quality than that used in modern construction, and it helps give each instrument a unique look and sound. …Delisle said while guitars are instruments, they’re also works of art in their own right, and he likens buying a guitar to buying a painting from one’s favourite artist.

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Laval CLT researcher wins Wood Council Catherine Lalonde Memorial Scholarship

By Don Wall
The Daily Commercial News
January 12, 2024
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

One of two students awarded a research scholarship recently by the Canadian Wood Council says she approaches her research on bio-based adhesives for cross-laminated timber (CLT) with a “passion” for wood and sustainable solutions. Alex Mary is a third-year PhD candidate in wood and bio-based materials engineering at Laval University in Quebec City. Her application for a 2023 Catherine Lalonde Memorial Scholarship impressed the wood council with its dual pledges to pursue environmental sustainability and product performance. The focus of her research lies in exploring the potential of replacing the petrochemicals used in most CLT with recycled bio-based protein materials — soybean meal, microbrewery spent grains, skim milk powder and even shrimp shells.

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City unveils designs for ‘transformational’ mass timber building near Ossington strip

By Calvi Leon
The Toronto Star
January 6, 2024
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

Torontonians in the city’s west end could soon be shouting “timber,” but not for reasons you might think. The city recently unveiled designs for a mass timber, modular development proposed for the corner of Dundas Street West and Ossington Avenue that would see 10 storeys of wood spring upward — not down — as well as three-storey laneway housing on what is now a surface-level Green P parking lot. …Just-released renderings prepared by Brook McIlroy architecture firm show the building at 1113-1117 Dundas St. W. will have a smooth texture with beige and brown colours, tall windows and a green roof. …The project, part of a city pilot program to explore using mass timber to build affordable and market housing, was designed with sustainability in mind, Gupta said. “We really aimed not to have any fossil fuel-powered mechanisms in the building.”

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BMO Arranges Green Financing to Fund New Lawson Centre for Sustainability, Trinity College’s Most Significant Build in a Century

By BMO Financial Group
Cision Newswire
December 18, 2023
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

TORONTO, ONTARIO – Trinity College is the first post-secondary institution in North America to secure a labelled Green Loan for its new residence and academic building – the Lawson Centre for Sustainability. Arranged by BMO, the Green Loan will be used to finance the construction of Trinity College’s ambitious new mass timber, zero carbon, LEED platinum multi-use building. …Sustainability is at the core of the Lawson Centre’s design and construction, as well as operation and maintenance. The leading-edge mass timber building will use geothermal heating and cooling as well as rooftop photovoltaics, triple-glazed windows, an underground cistern for rainwater collection and reuse, and locally sourced materials, including limestone and bricks.

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Mass timber construction is on the rise. Could it help the housing crisis?

By Talia Ricci
CBC News
December 21, 2023
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada East

There’s been an increase in large-scale building projects using mass timber, otherwise known as engineered wood. Experts say the material offers several benefits compared to steel and concrete — including sustainability and speed. Talia Ricci explores whether it could be part of a solution to Toronto’s housing crisis.

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Quebec man who blamed wildfires on government pleads guilty to setting 14 fires

By Jacob Serebrin
Canadian Press in CTV News Montreal
January 15, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

A Quebec man who posted conspiracy theories online that forest fires were being deliberately set by the government has pleaded guilty to starting a series of fires himself that forced hundreds of people from their homes. Brian Paré, 38, pleaded guilty Monday to 13 counts of arson and one count of arson with disregard for human life at the courthouse in Chibougamau, Que. Prosecutor Marie-Philippe Charron told the court that two of the 14 fires set by Paré forced the evacuation of around 500 homes in Chapais, Que. 425 kilometres northwest of Quebec City. …Paré had been seen in the area around where a fire had started and was considered a witness. While he denied causing the fires, she said Paré “demonstrated a certain interest in fires” during the interview, which led police to suspect him. …Paré’s ideology and behaviour — including Facebook posts — matched a profile of the suspect developed by provincial police specialists.

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Vermont partners with researchers in innovative forest adaptation project

Vermont Business Magazine
January 11, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada East, United States

The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation (FPR) is beginning an innovative project in the Camel’s Hump Management Unit, as outlined in the 2021 Long-Range Management Plan. This project underscores FPR’s commitment to sustainable and adaptive forest management and is designed to demonstrate an important approach in increasing forest resilience to climate change and invasive pests. Collaborating with the University of Vermont (UVM) and the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, this project is part of a series of forest adaptation experiments being implemented across the Northeast. …“This project aims to address the dominance of poor quality American beech suffering from beech bark disease and use forest management tools such as timber harvests to allow other species to thrive,” said Oliver Pierson, FPR’s Director of Forests. “This research furthers our goals of creating resilient forest stands.”

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A push to protect rare old-growth forests in Quebec

By Evert Lindquist
The National Observer
January 10, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Christian Messier

Old-growth forests, which remain undisturbed by humans and natural elements, are far and few between in Quebec. Those recognized by the government represent a mere 0.06 per cent of the province’s public forests. This means only about 477 square kilometres of Quebec’s government-managed forests are considered old-growth. Old-growth forests in southern Quebec were historically hit hard by colonization and urbanization, while those in the north have been largely impacted by invasive insects and fires. Forest researchers worry logging, public unawareness and limitations of Quebec’s old-growth management system mean these centuries-old ecosystems will continue to vanish. …Critics argue that Quebec lacks a protocol for identifying old-growth. …Christian Messier, a professor of forest management at the Université du Québec en Outaouais and Canada Research Chair in Forest Resilience to Global Changes … agrees logging threatens old-growth but says it also creates an opportunity to enrich and protect ancient trees by planting newer, better-adapted ones nearby.

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Clear cutting threatens woodland caribou, scientists warn

CBC News
January 7, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Extensive boreal forest logging is putting increased pressure on already threatened woodland caribou. Much of the 14 million acres logged in Ontario and Quebec are old-growth forests the dwindling population needs to survive.

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Nova Scotia public forestry education in a sorry state

By Gary Saunders
The Saltwire Network
January 5, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Gary Saunders

Last June, two decades retired from what was Lands & Forests as an extension forester, I learned from a colleague that the Middle Musquodoboit Forest Education Complex was being shut down. When I asked why—there was nothing in the papers about it. …Why was I concerned? Because I happened to know what the complex meant to the thousands of Nova Scotia students, teachers and the general public who benefited from it. …In a province where nearly three-fourths of its woodland is privately owned, no government can manage by decree, the way they can on Crown lands. If they try, the land-owner might well tell them to “Shove it!” And the general public will back them. Instead, in a province still three-quarters forested, good long-term forest management must rely on well-informed landowners backed by a well-informed public. …Axing the complex further undermined public forestry education. 

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How the tiny western chorus frog could stop Doug Ford’s Highway 413

By Mike Crawley
CBC News
January 5, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

The western chorus frog could prove to be a large obstacle to Premier Doug Ford’s plans for building Highway 413. The chorus frog … is listed as threatened on Canada’s official registry of species at risk. Consultants working for Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation have identified the frog along the 59-kilometre preferred route of the proposed Highway 413, across the northwestern fringes of the Greater Toronto Area. And while the frogs’ presence along the route may not necessarily stop the project altogether, it could force the province to change the proposed highway’s route  to preserve habitat. …The western chorus frog typically breeds in what are known as vernal pools: temporary ponds that form in early spring and dry up three to four months later, says David Seburn, a wildlife biologist with the Canadian Wildlife Federation. “They avoid ponds where there are fish that can eat their eggs and their tadpoles,” said Seburn in an interview.

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Government of Prince Edward Island seeking industry insights on forest sector

Government of Prince Edward Island
January 3, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Knowing more about the forest sector in PEI will help government shape policies and programs that support the Island forests. Forests, Fish and Wildlife staff will be meeting with local forestry companies to collect information on the impact of the sector throughout the province. PEI’s forest sector includes a range of businesses from tree planting, forest management, and wood harvesting to trucking, sawmilling, and firewood production, among others. Through these two-way conversations, government will learn more about equipment, employment, challenges and ways to help support the industry and the workers. The information collected from individual businesses will remain confidential, with only combined statistics released to the public, including the total number of businesses in the sector, the number of people employed, the volume of products produced and the sector’s estimated economic impact.  Work will be done over the winter, with a report expected later in 2024.

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Forest industry and environmentalists disagree as province moves to protect black ash trees

By Erik White
CBC News
January 2, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

There are an estimated 83 million black ash trees in Ontario, but it has been declared an endangered species because the invasive emerald ash borer. After a two year pause, the provincial government is set to start enforcing protections for black ash this month. The proposal  would only cover healthy trees in areas of the province hit hard by the ash borer. …”Anyone who would suggest that protecting habitat for black ash will help, simply don’t understand the dynamics of forests,” said Ian Dunn, the president and CEO of the Ontario Forest Industries Association. “As we know, it’s not a habitat issue. This is an invasive species issue. This is a forest health issue.” He is particularly concerned by a proposal creating a 30-metre protective buffer around any healthy black ash tree. “That would have catastrophic socioeconomic impacts, not just for forestry, every single activity in the province would be impacted,” he said.

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Report shows P.E.I.’s forests still flourishing, but data doesn’t reflect Fiona damage

By Stephen Brun
CBC News
December 21, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND — A long-awaited provincial government report that has just been released looks at the state of P.E.I.’s forests, but doesn’t include data collected after post-tropical storm Fiona. The State of the Forest Report is completed every 10 years, with this latest version covering the decade from 2010 to 2020. It shows that forestry still accounts for 43 per cent of land use on the Island, compared to agriculture’s 38 per cent. Both of those figures dropped slightly compared to the previous survey. …Matt Angus, a forest inventory analyst with the province, says the report is accurate up to 2020, but it may not be a good representation of forests today. He said work continues to better understand how 2022’s post-tropical storm Fiona affected P.E.I.’s woodlands. 

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Forest growth in Prince Edward Island outpaced forest harvest

Government of Prince Edward Island
December 20, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Prince Edward Island, Canada — PEI’s forests are projected to capture and store between 0.04 and 0.08 megatonnes of carbon emissions per year in the coming decades with the help of PEI’s 16,000 woodlot owners, according to the latest State of Forest Report. The report covers PEI forest trends from 2010 to 2020. It gives residents and decision-makers a snapshot of PEI’s forests and is intended to stimulate discussion and inform individual management decisions. “For the first time, this State of the Forest Report includes information on forest carbon storage. Given that more than 85 per cent of PEI’s forests are privately owned, encouraging forest expansion and supporting sustainable management will be critical to ensuring Island forests can capture carbon for decades to come,” said Environment, Energy and Climate Action Minister Steven Myers. …The State of the Forest will help inform development of a new forest policy, with public consultations led by the Forestry Commission expected in 2024.

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Nova Scotia government designates five new protected wilderness areas and nine nature reserves

By Jacob Moore
CTV News Atlantic
December 20, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Timothy Halman

Five new wilderness areas and nine new nature reserves will be protected forever, the Nova Scotia government announced Wednesday. The new designations brings the total protected land in the province up to 13.45 per cent, according to a news release. Timothy Halman, minister of environment and climate change, says protecting nature benefits everyone, today and in the future. “Our government is protecting more of Nova Scotia’s land, wetlands and water for the many benefits they give us, helping us stay physically and mentally healthy, giving us clean air and drinking water, helping us fight climate change, strengthening biodiversity and preventing further biodiversity loss, providing habitat for wildlife and much more,” he said. …The climate minister also released the Collaborative Protected Areas Strategy, which “will guide the province’s work in achieving the goal to protect 20 per cent of Nova Scotia’s land and water mass,” the release says.

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Blockade goes up in Wemotaci over dispute with council on forestry agreement

By Marisela Amador
APTN National News
December 15, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

After the Atikamekw council of Wemotaci signed a forestry framework agreement with the government of Quebec, a blockade was erected in protest because some community members say they were not consulted. Dave Petiquay, who represents the Petiquay family, says some traditional families were not consulted in the on-going negotiations between the Wemotaci council and provincial government. “We don’t support this agreement. We maintain that the band council has no authority over ancestral territories other than reserve land. And I’ve told the other nations, the people, that they should take note of the Indian Act,” Petiquay said in a recent interview. This is not the first time members from Wemotaci’s traditional families have mobilized. Last spring, Petiquay and a few others set up another blockade. At the time, he told APTN News that the government was not respecting a harmonization agreement on forestry activities on their land.

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Hudson residents score win with forest plan

By Mike Stimpson
North West Ontario News Watch
December 18, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

SIOUX LOOKOUT, ONTARIO – People in the Hudson area spoke up, and the Ontario government listened. A petition and letter-writing campaign has succeeded in getting the wilderness area just west of Hudson spared from mass tree harvesting. “We really are overjoyed and thankful for all the support we had from the community and from the municipality,” Hudson resident Lesley Starratt said Monday. Starratt was among those concerned that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s draft 10-year management plan for the Lac Seul Forest would devastate an area popular with outdoors enthusiast and residents. She recently learned that the ministry’s finalized plan includes forest preservation along Johnny Lucs Road and Goodie Lake Road.

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Nova Scotia set to replace fleet of Airbus H125 firefighting helicopters

By Ben Forrest
Vertical Magazine
December 18, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

The government of Nova Scotia said it plans to replace its fleet of four Airbus H125 helicopters. The province acquired its current fleet in 2016 and plans to negotiate and purchase a new set of four H125s with its current provider, according to a public procurement document. “Being prepared for emergencies such as wildfires is critical to protecting communities and Nova Scotians,” said Tory Rushton, the province’s natural resources minister. “That’s why we’re considering all options and are upgrading our fleet of helicopters to ensure we can manage wildfires in the future.” A tender for the acquisition is set to close Jan. 3, 2024. Nova Scotia will leverage $12.8 million in funding from Canada’s federal government to help pay for the new fleet, part of a five-year agreement for firefighting training and equipment.

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Study says buffers, fire resistant materials could slash wildfire risks to residences

By Michael Tutton
The Canadian Press in the Prince George Citizen
December 17, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

HALIFAX — A new study says Canadian homeowners and communities can slash wildfire risks to buildings if they start taking steps like cutting buffer zones and using fire resistant construction materials. The study released Sunday by the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation at the University of Waterloo is noting that the 2023 wildfire season saw wildfire losses that shattered previous records set in 1995, with an area about one quarter the land mass of Manitoba going up in flames. …The study also advocates for steps that communities can take, such as removing tree branches close to power lines, incorporating 30-metre buffer zones into community design, and ensuring adequate water supply for firefighting. …The centre’s research estimates that in areas at high risk of wildfire, communities could save $34 for every dollar invested in fire-resistant construction choices, and $14 for every dollar of retrofitting of buildings and facilities to be more fire resistant.

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Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy

First carbon credit project in the works for Prince Edward Island

By Caitlin Coombes
The Saltwire Network
January 4, 2024
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada East

Thomas Baglole and Jesse Argent

CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. — An alliance of Prince Edward Island woodlot owners is looking to begin the province’s first carbon forestry project this year. The Sustainable Forest Alliance (SFA) is holding information sessions across P.E.I. for interested woodlot owners in advance of the project, which is planned for March. The last session of 2023 was held on Dec. 15 at the Farm Centre in Charlottetown as a joint presentation on carbon by the SFA and the P.E.I. Federation of Agriculture. SFA president Dan Dupont told SaltWire that 10,000 acres is the goal for this first project, and the SFA is well on its way to achieving that goal. …The SFA is working with interested woodlot owners to provide management plans and carbon accounting to inform woodlot owners of options available for their forests both in the project and as members of the SFA in general.

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Health & Safety

Free webinar on logging industry safety

The Timmins Daily Press
January 15, 2024
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

Workplace Safety North is hosting a free Webinar Feb. 8, from 1:30 to 2:20 p.m. on new research in the Ontario logging industry. Registration is available online. Adrienne Allam and Konor Poulin, health and safety specialists with Workplace Safety North will analyze the causes of accidents on highways and forest roads. The good news is workplace risk can be reduced with safety measures. The latest safety measures for the logging industry to help protect workers will be shared by Allam and Poulin during the webinar. Anyone in the logging industry can attend this free public event: workers, employers, supervisors, or contractors. Participants will be able to ask questions during the webinar or pre-submit a question upon registering.

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Lumber producer fined $500,000 following worker’s fatal injury

By Abigail Adriatico
Canadian Occupational Safety Magazine
December 20, 2023
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

ONTARIO — Resolute Forest Products Canada was fined for the fatal injury a worker sustained while conducting maintenance on a debarking machine. The court ruled that Resolute FP failed to ensure that the machine’s control switches, or other control mechanisms were locked out which was required by section 76(a) of Ontario Regulation 851 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and was contrary to section 25(1)(c). …An investigation by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development found that the Resolute FP’s written lockout procedure lacked in being able to protect the worker from the hazard. …It was also found that not all the machine’s sources of energy were identified and controlled, adding to the fact that the company’s verification procedure did not test for all sources of hazardous energy. Justice of the Peace Daphne Armstrong fined the firm with $500,000 alongside a 25% victim fine surcharge.

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Resolute Forest Products fined $500K for worker’s death in northwestern Ontario

By Darren MacDonald
CTV Northern Ontario
December 15, 2023
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada East

IGNACE, Ontario — Resolute Forest Products has been fined $500,000 for the 2022 death of an employee who was killed while trying to repair machinery at the company’s Ignace Sawmill. On March 28, 2022, an industrial electrician was attempting to repair a photo-eye on a debarking machine. “Before the electrician attempted the repair, they worked with a maintenance team to lock out the machine according to the company’s written lockout procedure,” the Ministry of Labour said. …However, it emerged that the company’s lockout procedure was inadequate and failed to identify all sources of power. As the worker began to make the repairs, he positioned himself in a gap between the machine’s infeed roller gears. “The rollers slowly and unexpectedly moved, trapping and fatally injuring the worker,” the release said. …The company was convicted Nov. 28 in provincial offences court in Dryden. In addition to the $500,000, the company must also pay a 25 per cent victim fine surcharge.

Ontario Court Bulletin: Lumber Producer Fined $500,000 After Worker Fatally Injured

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