Region Archives: Canada West

Special Feature

Global Wood Summit launches in Vancouver in 2024

By Russ Taylor and Kevin Mason
Global Wood Summit
December 15, 2023
Category: Special Feature
Region: Canada, Canada West

Mark Your Calendars! RUSS TAYLOR GLOBAL and ERA Forest Products Research have combined forces to host the GLOBAL WOOD SUMMIT, an international conference with a focus on Timber, Forest Products & Trade in Vancouver BC on October 29-30, 2024. The conference organizers are knowledgeable across a wide range of forest products and regions – this allows the scope of the conference to include timely and strategic coverage of forest, logs, lumber, wood chips, pulp and paper and other hot and emerging topics.

Our team has access to key industry, market and trading personnel around the world and we will assemble a cross-section of experts in their fields for the Summit. This will allow discussions to focus in on the key trends, issues and dynamics that are occurring throughout the global wood business and trade. The GLOBAL WOOD SUMMIT will be held at the Sutton Place Hotel, a boutique hotel in Vancouver BC from the evening of October 28 to the mid-afternoon of October 30, 2024. Further conference details and an initial conference brochure with a preliminary program can be viewed at Russ Taylor Global or ERA Forest Products Research.

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Opinion / EdiTOADial

Wildfires have taken too big a toll on British Columbia

By Joe Nemeth, BC Pulp and Paper Coalition
The Province
December 11, 2023
Category: Opinion / EdiTOADial
Region: Canada, Canada West

Joe Nemeth

When the wildfire season mercifully ended in November, 2,217 wildfires had been counted, 2.8 million hectares of land had been burned, including forested and non-forested land. …The premier has appointed a task force to study this year’s fire season and develop ideas about what can be done. The pulp and paper sector applauds the premier for making wildfire risk reduction and salvage a priority, but challenges the need for another task force to add recommendations to those of previous studies and analyses. We know what to do and we need to act now. The top four steps we can take include: Streamlining the cutting permit approval process for fire-damaged trees; Creating fire breaks with roads and small openings; Removing fuel sources around small communities through brushing and thinning; and Making better use of First Nations historical practices such as cultural burning.

What happens to the millions of fire-damaged trees left in the wake of these big fires? …There is a ready use for that burned fibre in the province’s pulp and paper mills and sawmills. In fact, the pulp and paper sector is keen to be part of the solution by taking up to five million cubic metres of burnt wood every year. …But the industry has a problem. We are currently operating at about 80 per cent capacity, mainly due to a fibre shortfall of about two million cubic metres annually — a tiny percentage of all that fire-damaged wood left across B.C. It shouldn’t be that hard to access that fibre and get it into these mills so that jobs and communities and international markets can be sustained. …We just need a little will from government to speed up permitting decisions, direct funding to allow the use of wood waste and fire damaged stands to continue and grow, and to introduce a program to support thinning around communities to safeguard them from fire risk.

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Business & Politics

Lawrence Carpentier—of C&C Lath Mill fame—dies at 84

The Cowichan Valley Citizen
December 3, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

Lawrence Carpentier

Lawrence Carpentier died on Sunday, December 3rd. He was first and foremost a dedicated husband to his wife, Elizabeth Ann Carpentier, and father to his children. Not only was his family of the utmost importance to him but also important was his vision in the forest industry where he established and nurtured the longest-running forest products company in Vancouver Island’s Forest Industry’s history. …His legacy will be remembered… by those in the Forest Industry, as it was in 1965 when he, his brother Paul, and their wives (Ann and Margaret) planted the first seeds of their dream by starting C&C Lath Mill Ltd in Duncan BC. At that time, there were dozens of other forest companies, but today, the only one left standing from that time is C&C Lath. …A Celebration of Life, for both Lawrence and Ann Carpentier, is planned for February 17th, 2024, at Arbutus Ridge, from 1:00 to 4:00.

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BC Forest Practices Board Seeking Part-Time Board Member

BC Forest Practices Board
December 14, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

The Forest Practices Board is accepting expressions of interest for a part-time Board Member.  As a Board member, you would bring a reputation for high standards, objective and balanced judgment, and fairness.  You thrive on objectively analyzing forestry/range issues of public importance and providing strategic policy advice. The Forest Practices Board is an independent government agency that plays a vital part in sustainable forest management within BC. Under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA), the Board has a mandate to: conduct periodic, independent audits of forest and range practices by licensees and of the adequacy of government enforcement; investigate public complaints and initiate special investigations of forest and range practices; appeal certain decisions to the Forest Appeals Commission; and recommend improvements to practices, policy and legislation. …Board members are appointed by Order-in-Council for a 2 to 3-year term, renewable for a second term. Remuneration is on a per diem basis. 

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Progressing the Conversation on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Mosaic Forest Management
December 13, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

Companies survive and thrive on the strength of their team—the people who make up their workforce, contributing day after day to get the job done. Mosaic Forest Management knows the value of its 220 team members, more than 2,000 contractors, and what they each bring to the company. Because of our people, Mosaic is committed to everyone feeling they belong, guided by our strategic goals on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I). The company’s goals to advance DE&I are: Foster a safe and welcoming work environment; Integrate, measure, and hold to account; and Be a community champion. For Area Forester Chesley Toth, the way to uphold DE&I is clear.“Championing DE&I is about promoting inclusive policies and practices that challenge gender stereotypes, work-life balance, and foster environments that embrace and celebrate diversity,” Chelsey said.

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West Fraser Declares Dividend and Announces Appointment to Board of Directors

By Joyce Wagenaar, Director, Communications
West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd.
December 12, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

VANCOUVER, B.C. – West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. has declared a quarterly dividend of US$0.30 per share on the Common shares and Class B Common shares in the capital of the Company, payable on January 15, 2024 to shareholders of record on December 29, 2023. …Further, as previously announced, Sean McLaren will succeed Ray Ferris as President and Chief Executive Officer following Ray’s retirement at the end of the year.  The Board of Directors has appointed Sean McLaren to join the Board of Directors effective January 1, 2024 in place of Ray Ferris.

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BC government increases maximum height of mass timber buildings to 18 storeys

By Kenneth Chan
The Daily Hive
December 11, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

The BC government is set to amend the BC Building Code to enable the expanded use of mass timber construction. Currently, the maximum height of a mass timber building under provincial regulations is 12 storeys, but the forthcoming changes would increase this to 18 storeys. This would apply to not just buildings with residential uses but also office uses. …The changes will allow more exposed mass timber or fewer layers of encapsulation in buildings, depending on the building’s height, and more building types using mass timber construction, such as schools, shopping centres, and industrial facilities. After it is given final approval, the code changes are expected to be formalized in Spring 2024. …Researchers and proponents of tall wood buildings say such structures do not possess a greater fire hazard. …Tall wood construction not only reduces emissions compared to conventional construction methods using more concrete and steel materials, including fewer construction truck trips, but it also provides shortened construction timelines.

BC Government release: BC expanding use of mass timber in buildings

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Transformer issue shuts down Tolko’s Lavington mill

By Jon Manchester
December 7, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

LAVINGTON, BC — Tolko’s Lavington lumber mill will be curtailed for an “extended period” following a transformer malfunction. A spokesperson for the Vernon-based lumber company says the Lavington mill lost power “due to an upset condition with an energy transformer” on Dec. 4. “As a result of this outage, we anticipate mill activity to be curtailed for an extended period of time – while it could take a month, we are working to shorten that timeline,” the company says. Shipping and log yard activities have not been impacted. “However, mill production is currently curtailed and will not resume until it is safe to do so,” says Tolko. The mill employs more than 150 people, and it is expected about 115 employees will be impacted by the curtailment. …The Lavington mill is the first mill operated by the Thorlakson family and has been in operation for more than 60 years.

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Lennard Joe Assumes Role of Board Chair at Nicola Valley Institute of Technology

Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
December 7, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

Lennard Joe

Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT) is pleased to announce the appointment of Lennard Joe as its new Board Chair, effective November 29, 2023. A distinguished leader with over 30 years of experience in natural resources and business, Lennard Joe, whose traditional name is Suxwsxwwels, meaning Grizzly Man, is a Registered Professional Forester and a proud member of the Nlaka’pamux First Nation. …Lennard Joe’s extensive experience and commitment to First Nations’ values position him as an exemplary leader to guide the Board of Governors and NVIT as a whole. His visionary approach aligns with the institute’s goals, establishing a deeper connection between First Nations, the land, the forest sector, and the environment. NVIT anticipates continued growth and positive impact under Lennard Joe’s leadership.

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BC Forest Practices Board is Seeking Communications Manager

BC Forest Practices Board
December 11, 2023
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

Posting closes December 12, 2023: Are you interested in a multi-faceted communications role in a small organization that makes a big difference? ​The Forest Practices Board is looking for a Communications Manager to lead and implement the Board’s communications program and activities. This is a 16-month temporary assignment that may become permanent. The Board serves the public interest as the independent watchdog for sound forest and range practices in BC. Reporting to the Executive Director and supervising a Manager of Web and Social Media, and contractors, you will develop and implement standards for all Board publications, monitor and report on the effectiveness of communications products and activities, and recommend changes and improvements. 

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Wood, Paper & Green Building

Design ingenuity: Simon Fraser University stadium’s ‘floating’ mass timber canopy

Construction Canada
December 14, 2023
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada West

Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Burnaby, B.C., didn’t have a spectator venue for sports and events until Perkins&Will and Fast + Epp designed a stadium next to the Terry Fox Field, respecting the existing Lorne Davies Complex. The stadium’s standout feature is a 900-m2 cantilevered mass timber canopy that appears to be suspended in midair. In response to the lack of seating options due to the absence of precast concrete bleachers as originally planned in the LDC master plan, the new stadium was envisioned and built. …The engineering, fabrication, and installation of the roof structure posed significant challenges due to heavy snow loads at the Burnaby Mountain site, large cross-laminated timber (CLT) soffit panels with integrated systems to form the roof, and tight clearances to the adjacent sports complex. The biggest challenge was to provide stability to the sprawling roof structure with a 16.4 m cantilever. 

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Pressure Treated Pacific HemFir Wood Products: Fact Sheet

Pacific HemFir
December 14, 2023
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada West

Pressure treatment combines the natural beauty of wood with long-lasting resistance to fungal decay and termites, increasing the durability and extending the lifespan of wood products. Pacific HemFir performs like a pro under pressure. Its excellent pressure treating performance allows for easy drying and good penetration of preservatives, offering a construction product that is both sustainable and economical. British Columbia practices sustainable forestry, with some of the most comprehensive practices in the world. Pacific HemFir has the added advantage of being a fast-growing tree in the region, making it plentiful and readily available. This means Pacific HemFir is an even more economical and sustainable choice compared to other lumber products.

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Tall wooden buildings have a problem. Luckily, solutions do exist

By Cloe Logan
National Observer
December 13, 2023
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada West

The sustainable building sector is looking to the past for ideas on how to decarbonize materials the industry relies on to create buildings and homes. An old player that is becoming increasingly key? Wood. While wood sequesters carbon and is touted as a sustainable building product, there are problems associated with some of the wood products being used for taller buildings now going up in cities worldwide. …many wood products are coated with toxic chemicals that make them difficult to recycle at the end of their life, which is a problem… There are ways to create strong wood products that don’t rely on synthetic resins, explains Keena. One way is by using dowel-laminated timber, where wood is joined together with dowels. Another option is to use natural resins, which fit into the biological cycle with wood.

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naturally:wood newsletter

December 11, 2023
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada West

How local governments can help advance mass timber construction: A recent study conducted by Simon Fraser University’s Renewable Cities program sheds light on the pivotal role local governments play in fostering the growth of mass timber construction. Research from Renewable Cities’ Building Capacity: Local Prefab Mass Timber Solutions has identified three areas within a municipality that are critical to the success of mass timber: Building permits; Design guidelines; and Zoning. 

Learnings from an energy-efficient, affordable housing project: 330 Goldstream Avenue is a 102-unit affordable housing demonstration project developed by the Greater Victoria Housing Society and funded by BC Housing. Utilizing prefabricated light-wood frame panels and lean project delivery principles, this innovative and efficient development showcases how prefabricated multi-family construction can achieve BC Energy Step Code Level 4 while remaining cost-effective.

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Battle of Jericho Lands over ecology, density, affordability

By Douglas Todd
The Vancouver Sun
December 7, 2023
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada West

The City of Vancouver released its new 178-page policy statement for the Jericho Lands on Wednesday, confirming the new owners of the magnificent property overlooking English Bay are preparing to squeeze onto it up to 60 highrises. But a group of citizens… are not giving up their dream of persuading Indigenous-owned MST Development Corp. and the federal Canada Lands Co. to create a more environmentally friendly, medium-rise town centre. …In contrast to the developer’s 60-tower vision for the Jericho Lands, a citizens group has put forward the concept represented in this architectural rendering. It features a human-scale mixed-use community of four to eight-storey apartment complexes, made mostly of wood or mass timber. It portrays a mixed-use community of four- to eight-storey apartment complexes, made mostly of wood or mass timber buildings, covered with rooftop gardens.

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Stanley Park tree removal turns heads

By Angela Bower and Pippa Norman
CityNews Vancouver
December 17, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Thousands of trees in Vancouver’s Stanley Park are getting cut down, and the park’s new aesthetic is sparking some mixed emotions from parkgoers. The City of Vancouver says more than 160,000 trees are being cut down in Stanley Park due to a looper moth infestation. According to the city, roughly 25 per cent of trees in Stanley Park have been damaged by the looper moth and the majority of them are Western Hemlocks — the preferred food for the bug. Now that the felling has begun, the tree stumps in Vancouver’s Stanley Park are turning heads. “It’s sad to see the trees on the floor,” one parkgoer said. “This is one of the best things about this park. It’s losing the identity of the park.” “I did notice the trees cut here at Prospect Point and it’s not very enjoyable, to be honest,” another said. “It’s just emptiness.” [You may also want to see the YouTube video version of the story here]

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Gitanyow Nation Launches Defensive Stance Against Potential Transfer of Forestry License

By Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs
December 14, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

TERRACE, BC / GITANYOW LAX’YIP — The Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs stand resolute, ready to contest any attempts to transfer FLA16882 to a non-Gitanyow entity. This forestry license, deeply intertwined with Gitanyow’s traditional lands, presents an unmistakable and high potential for substantial adverse impacts on Gitanyow’s rights. FLA16882, formerly held by Skeena Sawmills in Terrace, BC, is one of three forest licenses. Despite a Cooperative Harvest Agreement previously in place with Gitanyow, Skeena Sawmills’ recent bankruptcy has put its assets, including FLA16882, in receivership. Gitanyow’s offer to purchase FLA16882 was initially declined, as Skeena Sawmills aims to sell assets as a complete package, including the Terrace Mill and all forest licenses. “The Chiefs have formally alerted the Receiver overseeing the assets of Skeena Sawmills and the B.C. government of our unyielding stance to defend Gitanyow’s constitutionally protected rights,” says Simogyet Malii.

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How a B.C. plan to fight fire with fire went awry

By Jesse Winter
Globe and Mail
December 15, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

In mid-August, with huge swaths of British Columbia consumed by wildfire, firefighting crews in the province’s North Shuswap region made a hard decision: They would intentionally burn a 26-square-kilometre stretch of forest hours before a major wind event, hoping to slow down the raging Lower East Adams Lake wildfire long enough to limit destruction in residential areas. Officials are now defending that move, as residents of the nearby towns of Lee Creek, Scotch Creek and Celista question whether the planned ignition exacerbated the damage in their communities, rather than lessening it. In the days after the fire, a public workers’ union demanded an investigation, arguing that firefighters’ safety had been compromised. Video and internal wildfire service incident reports obtained by The Globe and Mail show for the first time how elements of the operation went wrong on the ground, leaving a fire crew trapped for hours by flames. [A subscription to the Globe and Mail is required to read this full story]

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More than 1,000 North Shuswap properties at risk following wildfire

By Barb Brouwer
Eagle Valley News
December 14, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

The Columbia Shuswap Regional District has sent letters to several property owners affected by the Bush Creek East wildfire that consumed 45,000 hectares, much of it in mountainous terrain. Letters, 1,136 of them, advising that their properties or homes are at risk followed on the heels of a presentation to the November board meeting by BGC Engineering, the company hired to perform initial post-wildfire geohazard assessments in the area. Gerald Christie, manager of development services, advised directors that CSRD hired the company in early September, with the initial geohazard assessment completed in about six to seven weeks. “Thanks to them and their team; they knew about the importance of getting it finished in a timely fashion as a lot of residents are waiting for this work to be completed,” he said introducing Kris Holm, BCG principle geoscientist and Hazel Wong, an engineering geologist working directly with the regional district.

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Indigenous communities are recovering forestry leadership, yet questions remain about the industry’s future under new BC policies.

Resource Works
December 13, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

There have long been promises of true First Nations partnerships in forestry in BC, and now we’re seeing some action alongside the industry. In the latest move, the Klahoose Nation has signed a landmark deal with forest company Interfor. …In the first quarter of 2024, four other nations on Vancouver Island aim to complete the acquisition of a 34% ownership stake in a new partnership with Western Forest Products. …BC is also pushing amendments to its Forest Act and other laws, to help address First Nations’ interests in how forests are managed. …As First Nations pursue greater economic and land management opportunities in the forestry industry, it remains critical to ensure that new conservation programs truly balance environmental values with economic realities. …Despite positive announcements, the impact of the BC government’s overarching forestry policies on Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities alike has largely evaded public discussion. One wonders when the bubble will burst.

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Small lifeforms make us appreciate the big ecological picture of the Six Mountains

Letter by Larry Pynn, Maple Bay
Cowichan Valley Citizen
December 13, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

COWICHAN VALLEY, BC …the Six Mountains— Prevost, Sicker, Richards, Maple, Tzouhalem, and Stoney Hill — make up the 5,000-hectare Municipal Forest Reserve. The coastal Douglas-fir forest’s future in North Cowichan remains an open question. The results of the final phase of a parallel public consultation released last March showed 76 percent support for conservation management options. The next step is up to North Cowichan and First Nations. …Halalt Chief James Thomas said he supports selective logging that helps store water, while the timber can be used to create local jobs rather than being shipped offshore as raw logs. Selective logging can have many definitions, from, say, thinning to improve the overall health of a forest, to the slippery slope of logging the best timber for the highest profit. How the Municipality ultimately melds the wishes of North Cowichan taxpayers with those of First Nations is the big outstanding question.

Additional coverage in the Cowichan Valley Citizen, letter by Peter Rusland: Logging losses can be recovered by other means

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Climate agreement inspires demand for clear definition of ‘forest degradation’ in Canada

By Stefan Labbé
TriCity News
December 14, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Stefan Labbé

Seven environmental groups are calling on the Canadian government to adopt a definition of “forest degradation” that includes “any reduction in a forest’s ecological integrity” caused by human activity. The call comes a day after countries of the world signed a new draft agreement to combat climate change and signal an “end to fossil fuels.” The revised global Stocktake stated that achieving the current global goal of halting global temperature rise to two degrees Celsius (ideally 1.5 C) can in part be achieved by “enhanced efforts towards halting and reversing deforestation and forest degradation by 2030.” …Jennifer Skene, Natural Resources Defense Council, said there has been unprecedented ambition from policymakers, investors and others when it comes to halting and reversing deforestation and forest degradation around the world.  “Canada has unfortunately been active internationally in opposing these efforts,” said Skene. “The international community can no longer afford Canada acting as a laggard.” 

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FireSmart BC announces that Lynn Orstad Award: Nominations Now Open!

British Columbia FireSmart
December 14, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Nominations are now open for the Lynn Orstad Award, recognizing women working in wildfire resiliency. Lynn was a community leader and a driving force for better wildfire risk management. This award was created in her honour to continually recognize and elevate the female leaders who work hard to make our communities safer. The award recipient will receive a personalized award and a $1000 grant towards furthering wildfire resiliency efforts focused on increasing education and community engagement – fundamental elements of Lynn’s work and achievements. Nominations will be reviewed by a working group made up of representatives from FireSmart BC, FireSmart Alberta, and Co-operators. Nominations will be open until February 27th, 2024 and the winner(s) will be announced during the Wildfire Resiliency & Training Summit in Prince George, BC from April 20th – 24th, 2024.

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‘The industry is broken’: Local business owner says forestry sector needs overhaul

By Adam Berls
CKPG Today
December 12, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

John Brink

PRINCE GEORGE — A local business owner involved with the forestry industry in British Columbia for over 50 years, is sounding the alarm about the current state of the sector. John Brink is the owner of Brink Forest Products Ltd., and has served as a director of the Council of Forest Industries (COFI), and has also represented Canada in softwood lumber disputes with the United States. He says that the forestry industry “is broken” and the “policy around it is broken.” Brink says that British Columbia needs to “totally from the bottom up, redesign our forest policy.” Brink says that due to lack of access to fibre in B.C., companies are pursuing opportunities elsewhere and major primary manufacturers are going to places like Sweden and the Southeastern U.S. due to access to fibre and being able to plan ahead in terms of fibre availability.

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Docs Blocked by BC NDP Raise Questions about First Nation Statement on Fairy Creek Protests

By Jimmy Thomson
The Walrus
December 13, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

In 2021, all eyes were on Fairy Creek, [with] protests taking place in then premier John Horgan’s own riding. …On April 12, 2021, the Pacheedaht First Nation released a statement saying, “We do not welcome or support unsolicited involvement or interference by others in our Territory, including third-party activism”. …I filed a freedom of information request asking for any correspondence between the government and the Pacheedaht First Nation preceding the statement. …According to email correspondence included in the draft’s release—five days before the statement was made public—Rod Bealing, Pacheedaht First Nation’s forestry manager, sent a draft statement internally within the nation to elected chief Jeff Jones and a band manager, asking for suggestions. Five hours later, Bealing sent an email to Eric Kristianson, who was then assistant deputy minister for “strategic initiatives” in the BC premier’s office: “Please find our proposed statement attached. Please call if any questions,” Bealing wrote.

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UBC creates wildfire research foundation to find new ways to mitigate the risk from large fires

By Wendy Stueck
The Globe and Mail
December 12, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Lori Daniels

The Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia has set up a new wildfire-focused research initiative… The Centre for Wildfire Coexistence, backed by a $5-million donation from the Koerner family, will focus on mitigating catastrophic risks, said Lori Daniels, a UBC forestry professor who will become the inaugural holder of the school’s Koerner Chair in Wildfire Coexistence. …The use of the term “co-existence” flags what Dr. Daniels sees as a big part of the UBC initiative’s purpose: building awareness of how wildfires and prescribed burns can contribute to healthy ecosystems and reduced wildfire risk. …Dr. Daniels expects to work closely with local communities, including Indigenous groups, all levels of government and other academic institutions, including Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, which this month approved plans for an Institute for Wildfire Science, Adaptation and Resiliency at its campus. [A Globe and Mail subscription is required to access the full story]

Additional coverage from the UBC Faculty of Forestry: Revolutionizing Wildfire Preparedness in BC: Centre for Wildfire Coexistence

UBC News: UBC Forestry to launch Centre for Wildfire Coexistence thanks to $5M donation from the Koerner family

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Canada needs to step up to deliver

By Christine Smith-Martin and Dallas Smith
The Hill Times
December 11, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Sustained leadership, and a spirit of innovation and partnership today, can help forge the models of Crown-Indigenous relations that can carry Indigenous communities, sustainable natural resource management, healthy ecosystems, and vibrant local economies into the future. …One year ago, we stood with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as he announced a historic commitment to support four Indigenous-led conservation initiatives: in Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, northern Ontario, and in our marine territories on British Columbia’s north Pacific Coast, also known as the Great Bear Sea. Taking place at COP15, the announcement set an ambitious tone for the global gathering, which culminated in an agreement among 196 countries to reverse biodiversity loss. The announcement also uplifted an innovative conservation finance approach called Project Finance for Permanence, which was born in Canada more than two decades ago in our traditional territories, as part of an initiative that weaves together nature, economy, and community in the Great Bear Rainforest. [to access the full story a Hill Times subscription is required]

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Unique B.C. caribou feeding program bolstering at-risk population

By Catherine Hansen and Bridgette Watson
CBC News
December 9, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

MACKENZIE, BC — A unique feeding program for an at-risk B.C. caribou herd appears to have helped the population more than double its numbers over the last decade. The program is spearheaded by Doug Heard, a retired wildlife biologist who formerly worked for the provincial government, and takes place in Kennedy Siding, a 223-hectare section of critical habitat for threatened woodland caribou located about 200 kilometres north of Prince George. …Heard, or a technician from the McLeod Lake Indian Band, distributes nutritional pellets in a series of covered feeding troughs in the Kennedy Siding area, at the base of the Rocky Mountains, about 30 kilometres southeast of Mackenzie, B.C. The pellets are a combination of corn and grains. …The B.C. government has also carried out wolf culling programs in the South Peace region since 2015 to improve survival rates for caribou herds, including the Kennedy Siding group. 

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North Cowichan likely to turn to taxes to cover financial losses in forest reserve

By Robert Barron
The Cowichan Valley Citizen
December 8, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

With no logging planned for North Cowichan’s municipal forest reserve until the forestry review is completed, staff is anticipating the municipality will have to turn to general taxation to help cover the reserve’s expenses for the first time since the review process began in 2019. At a committee of the whole meeting on Nov. 28 to discuss the upcoming budget for 2024, forester Shaun Mason… said all that’s left in North Cowichan’s forest reserve fund as of the end of 2023 is $230,490, which leaves a $112,000 deficit in the department for 2024. The fund has been covering the lost revenue since the municipality decided to suspend logging in the reserve in 2020 until the review is complete. Mason said the forest department’s main focus for 2024 is on the forest-review process and continuing with general maintenance and management in the forest reserve. 

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Reexamine logging plans

Letter by Ross Muirhead, Elphinstone Logging Focus
Coast Reporter
December 10, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Ross Muirhead

Another ad by Sunshine Coast Community Forest (SCCF) appeared in the Nov. 24 Coast Reporter paper this time about its 2023-2028 logging plan. The plan was first revealed at a Nov. 20 meeting and SCCF is now asking community members for feedback by December 20 – 30 days and counting. Elphinstone Logging Focus (ELF) attended that meeting there was a lack of detail on each block and certainly not enough for the average person to provide reasonable feedback besides “not opposed” or “opposed.” This is a ridiculously short timeframe for feedback and ELF recommends it be extended to April 1, 2024 to provide us time to get the public out to each forest and look at what could be lost. …These are two areas where no logging should be taking place in the first place due to the sensitivity and importance of drinking watersheds. In terms of protecting biodiversity, each watershed area is well represented by the mountain hemlock and alpine ecosystems.

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30,000 amateur foresters?

Letter by David Kipling
Sunshine Coast Reporter
December 10, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Last week a letter writer proposed that ELF could get the public out to each planned forest cut, and deliver meaningful feedback by the 1st of April (Reexamine logging plans by Ross Muirhead).  Thirty thousand untrained Coast residents are imagined by Elphinstone Logging Focus to perform this inspection under the guidance of ELF and with ELF’s explicit  purpose to “look at what could be lost.”  I’d hazard this could take several years, if ELF has the personnel to manage it. But we already have fully trained professional foresters who can right now tell you what will be lost, and more importantly what will be gained by the work that our Community Forest has done and continues to do. [END]

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Ambitious wildfire research institute given final approval by Thompson Rivers University board of governors

By Josh Dawson
December 8, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

KAMLOOPS, BC — A new research institute that Thompson Rivers University says would position it as an “international leader” in wildfire science and education has been given final approval. The university said the Institute of Wildfire Science, Adaptation and Resiliency aims to conduct research aimed at preventing, mitigating, responding to and recovering from wildfires. TRU’s board of governors gave approval for the establishment of the institute during its meeting last week. …The initial research team will be headed up by Mike Flannigan, a BC Research Chair, professor and renowned wildfire expert., Jill Harvey, a Canada Research Chair in fire ecology, and Lauchlan Fraser, an NSERC industrial research chair in ecosystem reclamation. Flannigan said during the university’s senate meeting in October that a new building has already been opened and is housing the researchers, grad students and postdoctoral researchers. Funding for the institute has been secured for three-years.

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Rumour Mill RoundUpDate

By John Betts
Western Forestry Contractors’ Association
December 8, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada West

Tree Planting Bid Prices Rise Sharply For 2024 Projects BC government 2024 tree planting prices have increased by an average of 30% compared to last year. According to Jonathon Scooter Clark’s annual tracking of winning bids, this year’s average winning low bid auction price was 62.36 cents per tree. Last year it was 48 cents per tree, the low ebb of three years of declining bid prices starting at 50.9 cents as the average winning bid in the fall of 2020…

Forestry Service Suppliers Fund Supports Silviculture Contractors Caught in Skeena Sawmills Insolvency So far, three silviculture contractors have applied for compensation from the Forest Service Providers Compensation Fund (FSPCF) following Skeena Sawmills’ insolvency earlier this fall.  According to the FSPCF’s manager Eric van Soeren two of them will receive compensation for all they were owed by the Terrace-based company…

An Answer to the Floccinaucinihilipilification of Planting Trees It’s been dismaying to read two widely published editorials by disillusioned tree planters. Having come to believe their reforestation work has contributed to the climate crisis, their reflections received national and international media attention. It is an exaggeration, of course, to think you are saving the world by planting trees, although there is some truth in it. But, it is an illusion to think planting trees has literally contributed to the worst wildfire year in Canada’s history as one writer recounted…

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Projects to remove wood waste from forests will help prevent fires

By Grant Warkentin
My Comox Valley Now
December 10, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Two projects on the North Island will remove forest fire fuel from the woods and put it to better use. The Forest Enhancement Society of BC is getting $50 million from the province to remove windfalls and logging leftovers from forests. The wood will go to mills that can use it, and removing it from the forest will help prevent future wildfires. Provincial forests minister Bruce Ralston says there are two North Island projects worth nearly a million dollars near Port McNeill. He says they will also help North Island forestry businesses and create some new jobs. “One of the big challenges in the sector right now is the hunt for fibre, marketable fibre, in order to accomplish the work that forestry companies want to do,” he said. …Both projects will be done by the Atli Chip LP company owned by the ‘Namgis First Nation.

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2023 BC Wildfire Service Season Summary

BC Wildfire Service
December 8, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

The 2023 wildfire season has been long and challenging. Between April 1 and October 31, 2,245 wildfires burned more than 2.84 million hectares of forest and land resulting in the most destructive wildfire season in British Columbia’s recorded history. “We started really early, snow melted three to four weeks early, we were experiencing very aggressive fire behaviour in early May and that has persisted right into the month of October,” Neal McLoughlin, Superintendent, BCWS Predictive Services. It has also been emotionally challenging with devastating impacts to multiple communities and the tragic loss of six members of the wildland firefighting community. This video acknowledges the conditions and impacts of the 2023 wildfire season. It also honours personnel and partners while paying tribute to the fallen wildland firefighters. Read our 2023 season summary to learn more about wildfire response around the province this year:

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City of Port Alberni receives $300,000 from Community Forest

By Elena Rardon
Alberni Valley News
December 11, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

The Community Forest is once again paying dividends for the City of Port Alberni. The Alberni Valley Community Forest Corporation presented the city with a dividend cheque of $300,000 on November 27. The cheque represents the operating year of 2022, said chairman Jim Sears. “We are in good financial position at this time, with a healthy retained earnings position, and we are expecting that we will complete our 2023 operations by the end of this year,” he said. Sears added that the corporation is holding back “a fairly hefty retained earning” for some future bridge building. …“Our community forest does a fantastic job of balancing community needs with the potential to give back, in terms of revenue,” said Mayor Sharie Minions. “It’s a great model to show companies how land bases can be managed.”

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Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy

New rebates make healthier home heating more affordable

By Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Government of British Columbia
December 13, 2023
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada West

Keeping warm during winter will have a lower effect on air quality in B.C. as more incentives and education on replacing wood stoves with cleaner, healthier heating options roll out. “Burning wood is one of the largest air-pollution sources affecting B.C. communities, and switching to healthier, clean-heat sources can save people money by heating homes more effectively,” said George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. “By increasing the amount available for rebates, we’re helping more people breathe healthier air in their homes and in their communities.” In partnership with the BC Lung Foundation, the Government of B.C. will provide approximately $240,000 in rebates in 2024 through the Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program. …“It is important that more people understand the health risks involved with wood-burning stoves,” said Christopher Lam, CEO, BC Lung Foundation. 

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Peak Renewables Issues Update On Status Of Proposed Pellet Project

By Erin Voegele
Biomass Magazine
December 11, 2023
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: Canada, Canada West

Peak Renewables in early December announced it has secured the sale of existing equipment at a former Canfor manufacturing facility in Fort Nelson, British Columbia, that the company is working to redevelop into a wood pellet plant. According to Peak Renewables, the sale of existing equipment at the former Canfor PolarBoard manufacturing plant will kick-start activity at the site over the upcoming months. “The equipment removal marks a pivotal milestone in our aspirations to re-open the facility as a pellet producing plant as the removal makes space for pellet manufacturing equipment,” the company said in a statement. Peak Renewables has been working to redevelop the site into a 600,000-metric-ton-per-year wood pellet plant for several years.

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Health & Safety

New return-to-work duties come into effect soon

December 15, 2023
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

Starting January 1, 2024, employers and workers have a duty to cooperate in a worker’s safe and timely return to work after a workplace injury, and certain employers have an obligation to return injured workers to work. See our employer presentation, FAQs, and fact sheets to learn more about these legal duties. Supporting injured workers in their recovery at work is good for employers and their businesses. Having workers perform some duties while they recover keeps them connected to their workplace and can minimize the disruptive impact of workplace injuries. Returning to work helps workers avoid other health complications and protects their income, employment benefits, social contacts, regular routines, and job security. Introduced as part of the B.C. government’s Bill 41, employers and workers will have a legal duty to cooperate in timely and safe return to work, and certain employers will be required to maintain employment with their injured workers in specific circumstances.

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1 dead in forestry operation in northern Vancouver Island

By Adam Chan
Chek News
December 8, 2023
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

One person is dead following a forestry industry-related incident on northern Vancouver Island. The Nootka Sound RCMP were called to the fatal incident around 6 a.m. Friday. …Western Forest Products says it can confirm that one person died at the Nesook dryland sort in Nootka Sound, located west of Gold River. WFP suspended its harvesting operations Friday following the death, though the company notes that the Nesook dryland sort is used by multiple companies. “While the information we have received so far indicates the contracting company was not working for Western at the time of the incident, the safety and security of our employees and contractors is our first priority and we have suspended all harvesting operations at this time,” said WFP in a statement. …WorkSafeBC says it was notified of a “serious workplace incident” on Friday and that it has launched an investigation.

Additional coverage in the Times-Colonist: Forestry worker dies at log-sorting facility near Gold River: United Steelworkers

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