The Port Alice pulp mill boiler tower went down with a “kick” as its $90 million demolition and clean-up continues on northern Vancouver Island, joining a growing number of Canadian mills downed as world appetites change to recycled paper content and less newsprint. The site’s 50-year-old recovery boiler presented its own challenge as it required explosives to take down the structure, said Brad Morrison, general manager of Clearview Demolition in Chilliwack, which has been working on the clean-up for close to three years… adding the companies devised an engineered and safe plan to set a low-impact implosion that used high-pressure liquid to kick the recovery boiler off its legs. …The Port Alice site was abandoned in 2015 and went into receivership with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) leading the clean-up which is spread over a landfill, the site and marine infrastructure.