CROFTON, BC — The curtailment at the Paper Excellence Catalyst Crofton pulp and paper mill has been extended into a third month. “We’re saddened to have to announce that we’re having to extend the Crofton curtailment till the end of September,” said Graham Kissack, for Paper Excellence Canada. “That’s for all operations – the kraft mill as well as the paper mill. …Global prices for pulp and paper, they are absolutely in the tank.” Kissack said employees were notified on Monday. …Nearly 400 employees from the Public and Private Workers of Canada Local 2 plus around 60 from Unifor Local 1132 are affected. …“It’s very disappointing,” said Geoff Dawe, president of PPWC Local 2. …“We were told it was going to be one month. Now, we’re into three months. …Tanner McQuarrie, Unifor Local 1132 president, added in a statement. “Earlier in the year there was a 50 million dollar commitment between Paper Excellence and both governments.